and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of Mary Ellis - star of Drury Lane
Exercises for men
A thought for today
and summary of today's Home Service programmes
A talk about what to eat and how to cook it, by Bruce Blunt
The story of Kate Smith , a big girl who made good in a big way
A gramophone programme written by Harry Alan Towers
Introductory music
9.10 Order of Service
Theme "Thanking God"
Introductory talk
For the beauty of the earth (A. and M. 663, vv. 1, 2, 3, 4; S.P. 494, vv. 1, 2, 4, 5; Rv. C.H. 17, vv. 1, 2, 4, 5)
Reading: St. Luke xvii, 12-19
Act of Thanksgiving and Lord's Prayer
Now thank we all our God (A. and M. 379; S.P. 350; Rv. C.H. 29)
Conducted by Guy Warrack
1 The step-mother looks in the mirror. 2 Snow White in the wood. 3 March of the dwarfs. 4 Snow White's death-sleep. 5 The coming of the Prince. 6 Interlude. 7 The witch's death-dance
In 1906 William Yeates Hurlstone died at the age of thirty. He had already proved himself a highly-gifted composer and one of the most promising of the younger British school. His first work was a set of Five Valses for piano which were published when he was only nine years of age. At eighteen he won a scholarship at the Royal College of Music, and he studied composition under Stanford for several years.
Hurlstone's fairy suite ' The Magic
Mirror' is based on the story of ' Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs '. It was written when the composer was twenty-six years of age and performed by Sir Henry Wood at the Proms and later at the Crystal Palace.
from p. 37 of ' New Every Morning' and p. 14 of ' Each Returning Day '
played by the BBC Military Band
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
11.0 Music and movement for infants
-Ann Driver
11.20 Interval music
11.25 For home listening
' Thuesday Island', written by E. Arnot Robertson
' The voyage out-the Thuesday children discover much about ships and the sea '
11.40 Talks for sixth forms
Some ideas and what we have made of them
1—' The idea of patriotism '
A. L. Rowse
No. 5
The Cavendish Three
(Kay Cavendish , Helen Raymond , and Pat Rignold ) with Gwen Lewis and Dick Francis take a quarter-of-an-hour off
Written by Ronnie Hill and Peter Dion Titheradge
Presented by James Dyrenforth
A pioneer in steel production
A talk by Idris Jones
by H. A. Bate
Raymond Glendenning introduces songs, scenes, and stories of the show business in wartime including
Max Miller and Jean Carr from George Black 's new revue ' Apple-
Sauce ! '
An excerpt from ' The Body was
Well-Nourished' and Peter Yorke and his Concert
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Trio in C minor for violin, cello, and piano, Op. 66 played by the New London Trio--Leonard Hirsch (violin), Norina Semino (cello), John Pauer (piano)
with Mervyn Saunders
A talk about books by Desmond Hawkins
with Raymond Bennett and Harry Moreny (just falling around), Tiny Powell ,
Peter Valerio , Billy Milton , Leonard and his Orchestra
ymddiddan gan y Parch.
D. T. Morris
(A talk in Welsh)
5.20 Mary Plain in Trouble '
The fourth instalment of Gwynedd Rae's story about the small Swiss bear, told by Mac
Some songs by Gwen Catley
5.45 A talk on world affairs by Stephen King-Hall
followed by National and Regional announcements
A national magazine dealing with some of the things which are being thought, said, and done all over
Britain today
Introduced by Peter Fettes
BBC Orchestra
(Section C) led by Marie Wilson Conducted by Leslie Woodgate
Mary Jarred (contralto)
Brahms's Rhapsody is based on three stanzas from Goethe's 'Harzreise a poem inspired by a journey in the mountains which Goeth undertook in the winter of 1777. The poem describes the loneliness of a man who has cut himself away from his fellow beings, but its sad and melancholv spirit turns to an optimistic note, which takes the form of a prayer to the Father of Love to let the lonely one catch an echo of the heavenly music.
Brahms's music is intensely emotional and dramatic, rising to a fine climax towards the end.
Devised by Rion Voigt
Vernon Harris ' auditions' men and women of the Forces at a garrison theatre
A play for broadcasting adapted by Peter Creswell and Jack Inglis from
Sapper's novel 'Bulldog Drummond The action takes place shortly after the last war
Produced by Peter Creswell
A talk on subjects of the moment
Leader, Jean Pougnet
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
An outside broadcast from a main-line railway station operating in war conditions
A cabaret entertainment with Effie Atherton , Helen Clare ,
Charles Heslop , and Clarkson Rose
BBC Variety Orchestra, leader Frank Cantell , conducted by Charles Shadwell
Presented by Reginald Smith
and his Orchestra with Evelyn Dall , Anne Shelton ,
Max Bacon , Jack Cooper
Music from the time of Elizabeth,
Charles II, and Louis XV
Geoffrey Dunn (tenor)
John Ticehurst (harpsichord)
Presented by M. H. Allen