and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
his weekly choice of gramophone records
at the theatre organ
Suite: Four Indian love lyrics (1
and summary of today's Home Service programmes
Organ voluntary
Order of Service
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
(M.H.B. 924 ; A. and M. 7; S.P. 26 ; Rv. C.H. 261)
Invocation and Lord's Prayer Psalm xcvii
Lesson: St. Matthew xxiv, 1-14
Who would true valour see (M.H.B.
620 ; A. and M. 676 ; S.P. 515 j Rv. C.H. 576)
Prayers -
0 Jesus, I have promised to serve thee to the end (M.H.B. 526 ; A. and M. 271 ; S.P. 255 ; Rv. C.H. 508)
Address by the Rev. W. J. Noble
Thine for ever! God of love (M.H.B.
569 ; A. and M. 280 ; S.P. 258 ; Rv. C.H. 504)
Organist and choirmaster,
Norman E. Swann
played by Winifred Copperwheat
played by Clifford Greenwood and his Orchestra
BBC Men's Chorus
Conducted by Trevor Harvey
At the piano, Ernest Lush
Arthur Cranmer (baritone)
What shall we do with the drunken sailor ? ; Clear the track, let the bullgine run ; Bound for the Rio Grande (from the Shanty Book)
Black Ball line ; One more day;
A-Roving ; The banks of Sacramento (from the Shanty Book 2)
Lowlands away (from the Shanty
The drummer and the cook ; Haul away, Joe; The sailor likes his
- bottle, 0 (from the Shanty Book 2) Johnny, come down to Hilo (from the Shanty Book)
Leader, Jean Pougnet
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
played by Isabel Gray (piano)
Partita No. 1 in B flat and Toccata in E minor
Conductor, William Haydock
Alec Robertson
with Jack Plant
A remembrance of things past
Devised by Donald R. MacLaren
Produced by Moultrie R. Kelsall
by Roy Hay
From a West Country cinema
Part 1
Aubrey Brain (horn)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
Leader, Paul Beard
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
God Save the King
In Delius's A Village Romeo and Juliet Sali and Vreli are the Romeo and Juliet who have suffered in their love for each other from the bitter enmity of their parents. They meet again after a cruel separation and, determined to have one day of pleasure together, they go to a neighbouring fair, happy in each other's company. There they are recognised and worried by importunate questions.
Anxious to be alone, they leave the fair and walk to the Paradise Garden, which is an inn, formerly the manor house of a ruined country estate. The lovely music describes their walk: it is. idyllic, but imbued with a sense of impending tragedy.
' The limits of our duty to obey the State '
A. D. Lindsay , C.B.E., LL.D.,
Master of Balliol College, Oxford
at the theatre organ
Our Allies-the Norwegians
Life in Britain as seen by our Allies-their views of what we are fighting for-stories of their adventures in reaching these shores with songs and music of Norway
Devised and produced by Alan Melville
Compered by Tom Dawson
Mass for Five Voices
(William Byrd )
BBC Chorus
Conductor, Leslie Woodgate
1 Kyrie Eleison; 2 Gloria in Excelsis ; 3 Credo ; 4 Sanctus; 5 Benedictus ; 6 Agnus Dei
' Paul of Tarsus '
A play in four parts by L. du Garde
Part 3-' The Apostle to the Gentiles '
Cast Jews, lictors, priests, etc , played by Stephen Jack, Ernest Jay, Norman Shelley, and Cherry Cottrell
followed by Interlude: records
[Home Service continued orerleai
Lieut.-Colonel R. W. W. Hills, M.C., introducing Major Mahomed Akbar Khan of the Indian Contingent and a Sikh flight-lieutenant of the Royal
Air Force
(by permission of the Air Council)
Conducted by Squadron-Leader R. P. O'Donnell, M.V.O., Director of Music, Royal Air Force
Episode 2
A new play for broadcasting by Andre Obey , translated by Cynthia Pughe
Characters :
Noah; Mrs. Noah ; Adam ; Eve;
Marguerite ; The Wandering Jew ; Don Quixote
Produced by Barbara Burnham
Order of Service
Let all the world in every corner sing (A. and M. 548 ; S.P. 556 ; Rv. C.H. 15)
Confession, Absolution, and the Lord's Prayer
Lesson, Magnificat Creed and collects
A prayer for peace
Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed: kindle, we pray thee, in the hearts of all men the true love of peace ; and guide with thy pure and peaceable wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth: that in tranquillity thy kingdom may go forward, till the earth is filled with the knowledge of thy love ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Henry Ley)
O help us, Lord! (A. and M. 379; S.P. 114; Rv. C.H. 455)
Address by the Rev. F. R. Barry, D.S.O., D.D., Canon of Westminster
Lift up your hearts! (S.P. 560)
An appeal on behalf of the ' Under
Fives', by J. B. Priestley
The wartime welfare of children under five is one of the most urgent of national causes. Their health must be protected, they must be saved from the worst effects of the shock of war, their mothers-working in essential war industries-must be given confidence that their little ones are well cared for during the long hours when they themselves cannot be with them.
This need is being comprehensively met by the provision of day nurseries, nursery schools, and specially trained workers. The Save the Children Fund, the National Society of Day Nurseries, the National Council for Maternity and Child Welfare, and the Nursery
Schools Association of Great Britain are the national voluntary organisations engaged in this multiple task, and it is in support of their work that J. B. Priestley is making his appeal.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to[address removed]
The man and his music
Part 2
An illustrated biography written and produced by Gordon McConnel with the musical collaboration of Gwen Williams
The singers
Dennis Noble , Bobbie Comber , and Gwen Cattley
BBC Theatre Chorus, BBC Theatre Orchestra, leader Tate Gilder , conducted by Stanford Robinson'
Together with well-known songs and excerpts from his comic operas, some of his less familiar orchestral works will be heard
' A very present help in trouble '
16-' The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God '
Psalm xvi ; From Wisdom ii and iii ;
For those we love within the veil (S.P. 289) ; Revelation xxii, 3 and 4
Conducted by Ian Whyte