and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
the first of a series of gramophone record programmes
Christopher Stone stands alone in making a name for himself from introducing gramophone records. In his seventeenth-century house he has a cellar-full of gramophone records. You will hear some of them this morning.
at the theatre organ
Londonderry air
and summary of today's Home Service programmes
Organ voluntary
9.30 Order of Service
Praise, 0 praise our God and King
(A. and M. 381 ; Rv. C.H. 620)
Confession and Absolution Lord's Prayer and Versicles Psalm lxv
Lesson: St. Luke viii, 4-15 Prayers and thanksgivings
We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land (A. and M. 383 ; S.P. 14; Rv. C.H. 618)
Address by the Rev. Robert F. Drury To thee, 0 Lord, our hearts we raise in hymns of adoration (A. and M. 384 ; S.P. 13 ; Rv. C.H. 616)
Organist and choirmaster,
F. A. Clements
played by Joseph Lewis and his Orchestra
Conducted by Guy Warrack
with Clare Francis
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Sir Walford Davies
An anthology compiled by M. D. Calvocoressi
In which radio brings to life curious events of the past and present
Compere, Ronald Waldman
'Storing potatoes'
Roy Hay
Leader George Stratton
Conducted by Sir Adrian Boult
Schubert's Symphony No. 9 in C has long been acknowledged the world over as one of the supreme masterpieces of symphonic music. It owes something to Beethoven, yet differs fundamentally from his conception of the symphony. Beethoven's symphonies are essentially logical, tightly knit, epic ; Schubert's are wayward, loose, and essentially lyrical
The C major is, in many ways, the direct ancestor of the vast canvases of Bruckner and Mahler. It was certainly this symphony, a huge classical mould, filled with a wealth of romantic improvisation, that served Bruckner as a model for what Brahms so unkindly described as his ' symphonic boa-constrictors '.
and our duty to the State
3-' Church, community, and state '
A. D. Lindsay , C.B.E., LL.D.,
Master of Balliol College, Oxford
Florence Hooton (cello) Kendall Taylor (piano)
Leader, Jean Pougnet
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
Our Allies-the French
Life in Britain as seen by our Allies -their views of what we are fighting for-stories of their adventures in reaching these shores with songs and music of France
Introduced by Lionel Gamlin
Devised by John Pudney
' The Conversion of Saul'
The first instalment of ' Paul of Tarsus ', a new serial play by L. du
Garde Peach
Children, sailors, camel-drivers, etc., played by Philip Wade , Laidman Browne , Normen Shelley ,
Geoffrey Wincott , Stephen Jack
followed by Interlude: records
' Far East'
Noel Barber interviewing Abdullah bin Mohamed (Malaya) and E. I.
Wynne-Jones (Hong Kong)
Part 2-On to the Armistice
A musically-illustrated programme compiled by Giles Playfair
Cast Nora Gruhn , Betty Huntley-Wright , Horace Percival , and Dennis Noble
BBC Theatre Chorus, BBC Theatre Orchestra, leader Tate Gilder , conducted by Charles Groves
Compere, Giles Playfair
Produced by Gordon McConnel
A new play for broadcasting by Andre Obey
Translated by Cynthia Pughe
First episode
Produced by Barbara Burnham
Theme, The Harvest of Industry
Organ Voluntary
8.0 Order of Service
Metrical psalm cvi, Give praise and thanks unto the Lord, vv. 1-5 (Tune, Dunfermline)
Prayer and Lord's Prayer Lesson: Isaiah xl, 18-31
Be Thou my vision (Rv. C.H. 477) Prayer
Thy kingdom come (Rv. C.H. 155 ;
S.P. 680)
[Programme continued overleaf
An appeal on behalf of the Homes and Canteens for the Forces run by the Methodist, Baptist, and Congregational Churches, by the Rev. Leslie F. Church , Ph.D.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to The Rev. Leslie F. Church , [address removed]
as portrayed by George Bernard Shaw in his play ' Saint Joan '
Produced by Peter Creswell
' A very present help in trouble '
' God is our Father '
Psalm ciii, 13-22 ; St. Matthew vi,
24-33 ; Father of all, to thee, with loving hearts we pray (S.P. 252) I John iii, 1 and 2
at the theatre organ
(Section C) led by Marie Wilson
Conducted by Anthony Bernard
Presented by M. H. Allen