With signing and subtitles.
Gargamel plans to grow a money tree.
Sports and activities series. Shown yesterday at 5.10pm.
Animation. Penny organises a treasure hunt. Repeated at 2.00pm. (Rpt)
Cartoon fun with the forgetful frog. (Rpt) (Stereo)
Parliamentary news. Stereo..........
Note: repeats are not indicated.
9.05 TV6 (ages 16+) Life Stories - Do You Remember? Stereo 7442560 9.35 Showcase Stereo 9804473 9.45 Words and Pictures (ages 5-7)
A trip to the Roundabout Stop. (Rpt) (Stereo)
10.25 Numbertime (ages 4-5)
5539589 10.40 Jeunes Francophones (ages 14-16) Stereo 3822873 11.00 Ghostwriter stereo 7676 11.30The
Shape of the World (ages 14+) Subtitled 1556229 12.05 Landmarks
(ages 9-12)
Consumer and business information.
1.00 The Geography Programme (ages 11-16) Stereo 31353164 1.20ZigZag (ages8-10+) Stereo 31357980 1.45
Come Outside (ages 4-5)
Animation. Shown at 8.20am.
Live coverage of the second day of the tennis championships at Queen's Club in London. With Sue Barker.
Coverage continues on BBC 1.
Including at 3.00 News subtitled Regional News and Weather
Regional News and Weather
Animation about a friendly ghost.
Eleventh of a 13-part drama about a young boy and his pet dog. Jonny has finished his kite design.
Dramatised by Valerie Georgeson. from a story by Joan Eadington
More cartoon fun.
With Tim Vincent, Stuart Miles, Katy Hill and Romana D'Annunzio.
Rptd tomorrow 7.55am. (Stereo)
Information: can be accessed on the Internet, at [web address removed]
Path6 News of 1956. b/w ........
Secretary of State for National Heritage Virginia Bottomley talks to Gloria Hunniford about combining a career as cabinet minister with her family life. Last programme in the series.
Andrew Duncan Interviews Virginia Bottomley: page 16
Emergence. The Enterprise goes out of control when it is hit by a series of strange mechanical malfunctions.
The Dorian Secrets. Buck comes up against an evil warlord when he rescues a beautiful stowaway.
Buck Rogers GIL GERARD , Colonel Wilma Deering ERIN GRAY , DrGoodfellow WILFRID HYDE-WHITE ,
The second in a series of three design competitions concentrates on the British architecture and environment category. A panel ofjudges, led by architect Sir Michael Hopkins , have selected five finalists from over entries, leavingthewinnerto be decided by viewers' phone-in votes. Presented by Janet Street-Porter .
Viewers can vote by calling one of the numbers below. The winnerwill be announced in a programme on 8 July. Broadfield Glass Pavilion, Dudley:
[number removed].
Channel 4 Television HQ, London:
[number removed].
Citizens Advice Bureau, Chessington:
[number removed].
Techniquest Centre, Cardiff Bay:
[number removed].
Watersports Activity Centre, Liverpool:
[number removed].
Calls cost a maximum of 1 Op. Lines are open until 27 June. To vote via website: www.bbc.co.uk/design_awards Producer John Bush ; Executive producer
Keith Alexander Stereo BBC Design Awards events sponsored by Audi
Glasgow. In the last edition of the series, Gary visits Glasgow, where he prepares soused mackerel with red peppers and grilled chicken with braised pearl barley, before discovering one of the city'sfavourite dishes - curry. Tonight's desserts are ice creams, made on the ski slopes of Aviemore in the Cairngorms.
A new series of More Rhodes around
Britain starts in the autumn.
Director/Producer Paul O'Connor
BBC BOOK: More Rhodes around Britain is available in hardback from bookshops.
The concluding programme in the series takes a last look inside the Walshes' house in Leeds, which the couple have been renovating and decorating with the help of Home Front's team of expert designers. Series producer Simon Shaw ; Series editor
DaisyGoodwin Stereo
The Colosseum. A team of engineers and historians set out to discover what type of roof
Rome's famous amphitheatre could have had. Narrated by Art Malik. See today's choices.
Producer Cynthia Page ; Executive producer
Robin Brightwell
Regional Variations (2)
Postcards from the Country
Postcards from the Country
Episode 6: The Tweed Valley: A River's Tale
40 minutes on BBC Two Northern Ireland (Analogue)
Inhabitants talk about how rural life on the banks of the River Tweed in the Borders has changed since the Second World War.
With Kirsty Wark.
The trial is threatened.
(Shown yesterday 9.00pm)
(Stereo) (Subtitled)
Followed by Weatherview
With Andrew Neil.
Open University
12.30 Art in 14th-century Florence Rpt Subtitled 79394 1.30 Eyewitness Memory
Night School
2.00 The Economics Collection
BBC Focus
4.00 Health and Safety at Work 43717139 4.15 Find out about BBC Focus Rpt 43705394 4.30 Disability Today Rpt 73023 5.00 Voluntary Sector Television
Open University
6.00 Empires of the Mind
6665787 6.25 Ndebele- Women and Art Rpt 6571394 6.50 Solids and Fluids