Arts: What is Music?
9.00 France Français: Parlons
Cuisine 9.15 TeachingToday: The Communicative Classroom 9.45 Watch: People who help us -
Emergency/Police Station 10.00 Look and Read: Skyhunter- Back to the Wild 10.20 Around
Scotland: Reserve 10.40 Into Music: Movingto Music (stereo;
11.00 Diez Temas : La Ciudad y el Pueblo 11.15 English Express: Sights and Insights 11.35 TV6: Young Activists (Stereo) 12.00
English File: Telling Stories 12.30 Scene: Personal View - Paul Gambaccini 1.00 The Brunei
Experience: Down and Under 1.20 The Adventures of Spot 1.25 Brum
1.35 Pinny's House 1.40 English
Time: Inside Stories - Janni Howker
2.00 News and Weatherfollowed by Words and Pictures
A preview of OU programmes.
Introduced by Helen Rollason.
Ice Skating
The World Figure Skating Championships, from the Oakland Coliseum, California. The best routines from the pairs' free skating and from the men's original programme. Mishkutienokand Dmitriev , recently crowned Olympic champions, defend their World Pairs' title, while
Kurt Browning and Viktor Petrenko should be in the running in the men's contest. Commentary by Alan Weeks , Barry Davies and Christopher Dean.
Blue Circle All Stars Game, from the Granby Halls,
Leicester. Highlights of the traditional end of season match.
Commentary by Paul Dickenson and Bill Beswick.
Producer Mark Wilkin
Editor Philip Bernie
Including at
3.00pm News; Weather
3.50pm News; Weather and Regional News; Weather
The Martian Invasion. A flood threatens actors on a film set. ● TELETEXT SUBTITLES: page 888
In this week's magazine programme for teenagers, young lesbians and gay men talk about their sexuality. Series producer Roy Milani ●STEREO
There is a pre-election focus to this week's Public Eye, the programme that examines issues and stories at the heart of life in Britain; ranging from health and environment themes to media, arts and sport, from matters of life and death to the less frenetic areas of leisure and culture. Each edition sets out to analyse the facts and sift the evidence in a significant area of national concern.
Presented by Peter Taylor. Editor Harry Dean
A report on the Yellow Book Scheme, where thousands of gardens are opened to the public. For Mothering Sunday, three floral designers produce a daffodil arrangement, and Geoff Hamilton tastes the new
Sungold tomato.
Senes producer Rosemary Forgan Executive producer Tony Laryea
A Catalyst Television production for BBCtv ● GARDENING: page 17
Another chance to see Victoria
Wood's 1986 comedy series. With julie Walters ,
Patricia Routledge , Celia Imrie , Duncan Preston and Susie Blake.
Director/Producer Geoff Posner (Rpt )
By the Green Party
Peter Snow with the background to the day's stories.
John Sweeney of The Observer looks at the week's press. A Granada production for BBCtv
First showing on network television for this Indian film based on a true incident. Every evening an old man goes to the bus stop to meet his student son. Every evening he is disappointed. The film reveals the extent of political corruption justified by a "state of emergency".
In Malayalam with English subtitles.
Director Shaji
●FILMS: pages 35-42