9.00 France Français: Parlons
Cuisine 9.15 TeachingToday: The Communicative Classroom 9.45 Watch: People who help us -
Emergency/Police Station 10.00 Look and Read: Skyhunter- Back to the Wild 10.20 Around
Scotland: Reserve 10.40 Into Music: Movingto Music (stereo;
11.00 Diez Temas : La Ciudad y el Pueblo 11.15 English Express: Sights and Insights 11.35 TV6: Young Activists (Stereo) 12.00
English File: Telling Stories 12.30 Scene: Personal View - Paul Gambaccini 1.00 The Brunei
Experience: Down and Under 1.20 The Adventures of Spot 1.25 Brum
1.35 Pinny's House 1.40 English
Time: Inside Stories - Janni Howker
2.00 News and Weatherfollowed by Words and Pictures