6.50 Maths: The Binomial Theorem
7.15 From Child to Pupil
7.40 Landscape: Bodmin and Dorset
8.05 Using the Aggregate: Demand and Supply Model
8.30 Systems Behaviour: Interpretation
8.55 Information Technology - a Revolution?
9.20 The University of the Third Age
9.45 Poetry: Blake the Artist
10.10 Your Own Optics Laboratory
10.35 Revolutions and the Modern State
11.00 Coventry: What Can I Do?
11.25 Species and Evolution
11.50 Small Business: The Successful Seven
12.15 Special Education: A Dependent Future
12.40 Art in 15th-century Florence
1.05 It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow
1.30 Modem Art: Artists' Techniques
1.55 The York Mystery Plays
2.20 Images of the Third World