Today's story is "The Runaway Tram" by Peggy Blakeley, illustrated by Kota Taniuchi
'Appreciation for All or Programming for the Privileged: is this the choice?'
Introduced by Maurice Meredith
Professor Eric Laithwaite visits the Electrical Engineering Gallery at the Science Museum With Peter Bennet Stone
with Peter Woods reporting the world tonight; Weather
"Children! Like the Sun in the morning the World belongs to you" (Mao Tse-Tung)
How do the nations of the world prepare their young children for the lifetime ahead?
Are their vital formative years squandered by adult negligence and misconception, or calculatingly used to further the political concept of governments?
Film reports from China and East and West Europe
Introduced by Derek Hart
by Edward Boyd
With Roddy McMillan as Pike
When Michael Holmes goes missing from a squad of Irish tattie-howkers working as sweated labour, Pike is commissioned to find him. A dangerous business when you are working for Philomena Hawley.
with The Young Generation
Guest artists Vince Hill, Don Lurio, The Pattersons, Roger Webb
Alyn Ainsworth and his Orchestra
(Vera Lynn - happily sewing: page 6)
and Weather
The last of three films about the Great War as seen from both sides of the trenches, by French, American and German filmmakers.
Tonight: G.W. Pabst's film starring Fritz Kampers, Gustav Diessl, Hans Joachim Moebis, Claus Clausen
G. W. Pabst's classic film, rarely seen in Britain, follows the fortunes of four men caught up in the horror and tragic waste of the Great War.