A programme for children at home.
(to 11.30)
covers the world of motoring.
Why Warren Street?
How are second-hand prices fixed in this street of showrooms? Why do motor traders travel from all over Britain to do business on the pavements of this crowded street in London, W.l? Robin Richards and Michael Frostick look for the answers on the spot in Warren Street.
Riviera Road Test
Gordon Wilkins reports from the South of France.
A conversation with people of power.
Encounter presents a portrait in question and answer of men who matter today and will matter tomorrow.
Kenneth Robinson introduces this weekly programme on the expanding world of leisure with Jeremy James, Christopher Rainbow.
Club Rugby! The phrase conjures up a traditional picture: a broad-shouldered, essentially masculine and somewhat exclusive company... Jeremy James savours the atmosphere of a Saturday at the Rugby Club and finds out how the old traditions are standing up amid the social changes of the modern world.
A comedy film series.
Starring John McGiver as Walter Burnley, the complaints manager of a large department store.
When Walter learns that books written by his old college Idol are not selling well, he decides to promote sales-with alarming results.
by Jean Anouilh.
Translated by Lucienne Hill
with Madeleine Christie, Noel Hood.
The play is set in France in the mid-thirties.
See page 48
followed by The Weather
Round off the day with Denis Tuohy, Michael Dean, Nicholas Tresilian and tonight's guests.