A programme for children at home.
(to 11.30)
Gordon Wilkins covers the world of motoring.
Can motoring be safer? Do designers and manufacturers do their best to reduce the risk of injury in road accidents?
Michael Frostick and Robin Richards report on the results of a Birmingham enquiry.
A conversation with people of power.
Encounter presents a portrait in question and answer of men who matter today and will matter tomorrow.
Kenneth Robinson introduces this weekly programme on the expanding world of leisure with Jeremy James, Christopher Rainbow.
One Man's Band
London supports more symphony orchestras than any other city in the world; but music in the Provinces has an uncertain life. It is in Bristol, regional capital of the West and one of our most prosperous cities, that a young musician is trying to establish a small orchestra. What chance of success does he have? And if he succeeds, will it be in spite of-or because of-the people of Bristol?
A comedy film series.
Starring John McGiver as Walter Burnley, the complaints manager of a large department store.
A request made by his daughter makes Walter believe that he is in danger of becoming a social outcast, and events seem to confirm this belief.
by Graham Greene.
[Starring] Paul Rogers, Robert Flemyng and Janet Kelly
See page 41
followed by The Weather
Round off the day with Denis Tuohy, Michael Dean, Nicholas Tresilian and tonight's guests.
The second in the monthly series of programmes for doctors.