A note from Religious Affairs Correspondent Gerald Prlestland
6.55 Weather: travel: programme news
A weekly review of the agriculture scene. Producer KEN FORD BBC Manchester
with Norman Tozer
7.55 Weather: travel: programme news
Tony Lewis introduces you gently to the sporting weekend.
All the latest sports news will be Included of course, but the main aim Is to entertain and amuse you as we look across the sporting spectrum. The race for the Football
League Championship Is Into its final laps, but there's a sign of summer on the way, with the three-day event at Badminton which. strangely, lasts four days. Producer DAVE GORDON Editor DEREK MITCHELL
Introduced by Simon Bates , with help from Susan Marling and Ian Lyon , taking a critical look at the holiday, travel and leisure scene.
Producer JENNY MARSHALL Editor ROGER MACDONALD including News at 9.0
Geoffrey Cannon takes a look at the weekly magazines, their views on the news and the special interests they reflect.
Producer Michael gilliah
New Seats for Old
Most people will probably be voting in brand-new constituencies at the next general election. But who decides where to draw the lines for the new seats?
Anthony King visits the Boundary Commission and asks the politicians whether they'll be better off as a result of its decisions.
Producer JOSHUA rozenberc
nem, p 62: Holy Father, God of might (OP 29); Psalm 107, vv 31-42;
Isaiah 9, vv 2-7 (nsv): The God of Abraham praise (BBC lia 283)
with Margaret Howard
BBC correspondents throughout the world talkaboutthecountries they work In - the politics and the people.
Editor PADDY o'KEErrc
Presented by Louise Bolting
Radio's key to the ever-present problem of how to get the best from your money.
A Financial World Tonight production
(Repeated: Mon 10.2 am)
The antidote to panel games
Bridge comes to radio Barry Cryer ruffs Graeme Garden's best suit which has to be sent to the cleaners, and Tim Brooke-Taylor is Willie Rushton's dummy. Humphrey Lyttelton is everybody's dummy.
Accompanied by COLIN SELL at the piano
(Repeated: Mon 6.30 pm)
12.55 Weather: programme news
Lord Sieff of Brimpton Prof Bernard Williams and Frederic Raphael
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
Thanks Very Much by PETER SILCOCK and Frank and Leila try to get their act together but things keep getting in the way....
Directed by BRIAN MILLER BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Tues 11.3 am)
What's new in medical science? How well are the doctors looking after us? Is our money being spent to best effect?
Geoff Watts reports on the health of medical care.
Your wildlife questions answered.
A history In 28 parts In the words of those who have made the history. 14: Paradise Street and Ratcliffe Highway
The 'sailortowns' of the great industrial ports of the 19th-century and the early 20th-century were two-faced: havens of boozy, bawdy bliss and disaster areas where hordes of greedy parasites fleeced the sailor in days of what he earned in years.
Consultant and presenter Michael Stammers. Keeper of Maritime History, Merseyside County Museums
Stormalong John produced by STAN AMBROSE
BBC Radio Merseyside Series composed and directed by MICHAEL MASON
Book (same title). £5 95 paperback, £9.95 hardback from booksellers
After seven-and-a-half years at the BBC's
Correspondent in Peking and Moscow,
Philip Short contrasts life in China and the Soviet Union - and its likely development during the 1980s, after Mao and Brezhnev - In a series of five talks, based on his forthcoming book.
3: Inside the System How China and the Soviet Union are ruled. Producer PADDY O'KEEFFE
A magazine of special interest to disabled listeners and their families.
Presenter Kevin Mulhern Editor MARLENE PEASE
Correspondence address: BBC, Broadcasting House, London WIA 4WW
Tel: [number removed]
The Stones o/ Zakrozoicek What have been the strongest influences on the character of Pope John Paul II»
Brian Redhead looks at the early life of the quarry-worker, poet and philosopher who now occupies the Throne of St Peter.
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather: travel: programme news
including Sports Round-up
Amiably competitive conversation inspired by current public and private preoccupations. Music by jeremy Nicholas Producer miciuel EMBER
Richard Baker presents a blend of musical . entertainment on record, mixing the well-loved with the less. familiar.
Producer ANDREW MUSSETT (Repeated: Wed 11.3 am)
The Wing of the Fly by ANGELA EATON
(Details: Monday 3.2 pm)
From the far-west of Ireland. Michael Viney talks about the scores of islands which for centuries have been inhabited by monks, fishermen or farmers but are now largely abandoned - and left to the wild geese and the guillemots.
A series of seven travellers' tales
6: Down the Bus Route and Round the Horn '... Setting off is the worst experience on earth: you might never see your wife or your family again and all you've got to look forward to are a few months living in a space the size of a dining-room table. ,
Christopher Matthew exploresthefascination of long-distance voyages with four sea-travellers: round-the-world yachtsman
Robin Knox-Johnston : transAtlantic race veteran Bill Howell : crew member Llbby Purves ; and Geoft Allum , who. never having been in a boat, decided to row the Atlantic ...
Producer ALASTAIR WILSON BBC Manchester
An evening meditation with music, led by Fr Jim Skelly
BBC Northern Ireland
followed by an interlude
Weather report; forecast followed by an interlude