with Gerald Priestland
6.55 Weather: programme news: long wave only
Producer ANTHONY PARKIN BBC Birmingham
with Norman Tozer
7.55 Weather: programme news: long wave only
with Tony Lewis
News of the FA Cup semi-finals - ARSENAL V LIVERPOOL and WEST HAM v EVERTON - plus the rest of the up-to-date news at home and abroad including JOHN FENTON from Augusta, Georgia, with a report on the third day's play in the us Masters golf tournament.
John Stonborough with some of the Action Desk and Checkpoint listeners who have been well and truly caught.
Brighton is notorious for boarding houses, the Pavilion, dirty weekends, candyfloss and now a nudists' beach - but what about the traffic jams? Is Brighton worth a visit? Maxwell Boyd breaks away on a visit to the southern seaside mecca, joined by the usual team of reporters and reviewers. Producer JENNY MARSHALL Editor ROGER MACDONALD long wave only
with Geoffrey Smith
Producer JENNY DE YONG 'long wave only
1: The President and the People
In the first of a new scries of six programmes about the American Presidency, Anthony King analyses the real nature of the job at stake in this election year.
Producer ANNE SLOMAN long wave only
nem, p 1; 0 worship the Lord <BBC HB 267); Psalm 99; 1 Peter 1, vv 8-16 (NEB); 0 for a faith (BBC HB 310)
with Margaret Howard
long wave only from 11.20
To many Britons, an engineer is a man with oily hands and grubby overalls. In the United States he ranks with lawyers, doctors and clergy-men. Is there any link between British attitudes and our performance in world markets? The BBC's Business Affairs Correspondent, Peter Smith , compares Britain with some of our industrial rivals.
A Radio News production by RICHARD ANTHONY BAKER long wave only
Presented by Louise Botting
A Financial World Tonight production
(Repeated: Mon 10.5 am)
HELP! page 18
' Designing is concerned to give pleasure to people and to make them look more consciously at what is before them. I think it's to open people's eyes to how absolutely marvellous things are.'
Sue MacGregor's first guest in this series of eight programmes is the designer Julia Trevelyan Oman.
Producer GILLIAN HUSH BBC Manchester
(Repeated: Mon 10.30 pm)
12.55 Weather; programme news: long wave only
Sir Monty Finniston Jacky Gillott Lord Foot
Capt Julian Oswald, RN from the Royal Naval Engineering College, Manadon, Plymouth
Chairman David Jacobs
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
long wave only
The team of naturalists solve listeners' problems. Introduced by Derek Jones long wave only
Bryan Will Be So Upset by JANE PONCIA with Penelope Lee as Marjorie Fulton Mackay as Dr Millar Bernadette Windsor as Annabelle and Eric Allan as Bryan
1941: It is Annabelle's tenth birthday. The day brings a new visitor to her widowed mother's house-an army officer who has been billeted on the family. Annabelle is an unusual and difficult child, who resents her mother's preoccupation with her own life. In her need for a father-figure and a friend, she turns to Bryan.
Grandmother.MARGOT BOYD Alister Whiting. PHILIP voss Katie .......... GAIL LIDSTONE Shopkeeper.... BRENDA KAYE Directed by CHERRY COOKSON long wave only
for disabled listeners
Presenter Marilyn Alan Reporter KEVIN MULHERN
Citizens' Advice Bureau Phone-in: Mon 2.0-4.0 pm [number removed]. Ext 2531
Correspondence address: BBC, Broadcasting House, London W1A 4WW
Editor MARLBNE PEASE long wave only
long wave only
The last of four programmes in which Robert Foxcroft , an Anglican priest, looks at the ways in which moments of transition in life are marked, from birth to death. 4: Death and Burial Research TONY BRETHERTON Producer SUZAN DAVIES long wave only
A personal selection of poems compiled and presented by Dannie Abse. Readers David Brierley and Brian Carroll
long wave only
Tony Lewis introduces the Dyfed Choir from Fishguard in West Wales, under their conductor John Davies.
(Repeated: Tues 8.30 pm) long wave only
with Bill Wallis , David Tate Sheila Steafel , David Jason and THE DAVID FIRMAN TRIO long wave only
(Hear The Jason Explana tion Thursday 12.27 pm)
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather; programme news: long wave only
Musical interlude by INSTANT SUNSHINE
(Repeated: Sun 11.15 pm)
with Richard Baker Producer RAY ABBOTT
(Repeated: Wed 11.5 am)
The Circus of State by VALERIE GEORGESOH with Elizabeth Bell as Catherine the Great and Ruth Goring as Empress
Elizabeth Catherine arrived in Russia in February 1744 to meet her future husband. Peter, nephew of Empress Elizabeth. The years that followed were years of intrigue for Catherine as she struggled to survive her husband's insane passions and Elizabeth's jealousy. But survive she did to become Catherine the Great!
Directed by KAY PATRICK BBC Manchester
(Paul Webster is a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company)
Encore with Colin Ford
Words and music for late evening by IAN MACKENZIE BBC Scotland
Introduced by Norman Goddard
A seasonal look at the changing face of Britain's coastlines and the people who live and work around them.
Producer DON MOSEY BBC Manchester
Weather report; forecast followed by an interlude
12.15-12.23* am Shipping forecast; Inshore forecast