9.38 Maths Today: Year 2: 7: Making a Connection
Introduced by Stewart Gartside
Repeated on Thursday and on Wednesday of next week
10.0 Merry-Go-Round: Water
Introduced by Richard Carpenter
Repeated on Thursday
10.25-10.45 Middle School Physics: Forces Balanced and Unbalanced
Introduced by Jim Jardine
Repeated on Tuesday and on Friday of next week
11.0-11.20 Discovering Science: 13: Energy into Work
Introduced by Michael Underwood
Repeated on Tuesday
11.30-11.55 For Sixth Forms: China: The Experience of Revolution
This programme describes how after 1949 Mao and the Chinese communists struggled to modernise China, and establish their revolution in the minds of the Chinese people.
Presented by Brian Hook
Repeated on Wednesday
12.5-12.25 Engineering: Craft and Science: Unit 4: Metal Cutting: 3: Speeds and Feeds
Introduced by D. R. C. Holmes, C.Eng., A. M.I. Prod. E.
Shown last week on BBC-2
(Repeated on Wednesday and on Friday - not Scottish)
For booklet see page 11