9.38 Science Extra: Physics: Order out of Chaos?
Introduced by Bryan Chapman
(Shown last week)
(Repeated on Thursday)
10.0 Merry-Go-Round: Under the Earth
Introduced by Richard Carpenter
(Repeated on Thursday)
10.25-10.45 Maths Today: Year 1: 6: Combining Classes
Introduced by David Sturges
(Shown on Friday)
(Repeated on Tuesday)
11.0-11.20 Discovering Science: 12: Making and Using Electricity
Introduced by Michael Underwood
(Repeated on Tuesday)
11.30-11.55 For Sixth Forms: China: The Spirit of Yenan
This programme tells the story of the twenty-year struggle of Mao Tse-tung and the Chinese communists, first to survive and then to win power.
Presented by Brian Hook
(Repeated on Wednesday)
12.5-12.25 Engineering: Craft and Science: Unit 4: Metal Cutting: 12: Orthogonal and Oblique Cutting
Introduced by D.R.C. Holmes, C.Eng., A.M.I.Prod.E.
(Shown last week on BBC-2)
(Repeated on Wednesday and Friday - not Scottish)