The Children's Elephant Parade
led by Junior Ringmaster Gary Smart
A Swinging Clown on the Flying Trapeze
with The Four Lunasz
The World's Smallest Strong Man
Ivan Karl
The Pied Piper leads young friends to Joe Gandy and his Educated 'Talking' Pony
Motorbike Thrills
as Daredevil Hans rides his machine up a thread of wire into the roof of the Big Top.
Swaying Ladders suspended thirty feet above the sawdust
Young Larry and Ronnie
The de Wit Twins spin by their necks alone
Humpty Dumpty invites you to A Riotous Meal of Spaghetti and Custard Pies with the Roberti Clowns
The Wizard of Oz and friends with the Liberty Horses
presented by Yasmin Smart
Old King Cole introduces from France
The Incredible Hand Balancer
Johnny Gray
'Goosey Goosey Gander'
Mary and Jane two beautiful white geese walk upstairs and down
Foot Juggling at Breakneck Speed
Salvador juggles his brother Pepe on his feet
Los Seguras
Smart's Five Baby Elephants
presented by circus boy Gary Jahn.
Circus direction by Mr. Billy Smart's sons: Ronnie, David, and Billy Jr.
Introduced by Keith Fordyce.