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Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

Sgeulachdan os-nàdarra

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Sgeulachdan os-nàdarra a chruinnich Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba a Leòdhas 's na Hearadh. Le Catriona Mhoireach. Supernatural stories collected by the School of Scottish Studies. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

Am bàrd, Dòmhnall Ruadh Mac an t-Saoir

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

A' bhàrdachd aig Dòmhnall Ruadh Mac an t-Saoir, a chlàr Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba. Le Gillebrìde Mac 'IlleMhaoil. Gilbert MacMillan's choice of Donald MacIntyre's poetry. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

Cleachdaidhean Obrach

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Maighread Callan le cuid den bheartas cainnt a bha co-cheangailte ri cleachdaidhean obrach. Margaret Callan looks at the rich vocabulary used in crofting work in bygone days. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

An t-Urr Uilleam MacMhathain 1/2

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

1/ 2 Jo NicDhòmhnaill le iomradh air beatha 's saidhbhreas òrain an Urr Uilleam MacMhathain. Jo MacDonald considers the life and vast song repertoire of Rev Willie Matheson. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

Eàirdsidh MacIllEathain, An Ros Mhuileach

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Cuid de na thogadh bho Eàirdsidh MacIllEathain, san Ros Mhuileach le Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba. Le Anna NicGuaire. Anna MacQuarrie with her pick of recordings of Archie Maclean, Mull. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

An t-Urr Uilleam MacMhathain 2/2

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

2/2 Jo NicDhòmhnaill le iomradh air beatha 's saidhbhreas òrain an Urr Uilleam MacMhathain. Jo MacDonald considers the life and vast song repertoire of Rev Willie Matheson. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

Na chruinnich Iain Peatarsan am Beàrnaraigh

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Blasad beag de na chruinnich Iain Peatarsan an Eilean Bheàrnaraigh. Le Ailean Mac an Tuairneir. Allan Turner's choice of material collected by Iain Paterson on the Isle of Berneray Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

Ainmean à Muile

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Alasdair MacIlleBhàin le taghadh à Muile de na chlàr Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba. Alasdair Whyte brings us his choice of recordings from Mull made by the the School of Scottish Studies Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

Clàraidhean à Eilean Thiriodh

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Beagan de na thog Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba ann an Eilean Thiriodh. Le Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn. A pick of material collected by the School of Scottish Studies in Tiree. With Ian Smith. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

Donnchadh Dòmhnallach, Peighinn nan Aoireann

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Bill Innes le beagan den bheul-aithris aig Donnchadh Dòmhnallach, Peighinn nan Aoireann. Bill Innes explores the rich folklore of Duncan MacDonald of Peninerine in South Uist. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

Dibhearsan 's Cur-seachad Òigridh

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

'S e dibhearsan 's cur-seachad a bhiodh aig òigridh a th' aig Raghnaid Sandilands dhuinn. Raghnaid Sandilands with a selection of rhymes, songs and stories to amuse children. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

An t-Urr Tormod Dòmhnallach, Bhaltos 1/2

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Jo NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt sùil air beatha 's dìleab an Urr Tormod Dòmhnallach à Bhaltos. Jo MacDonald examines the life and literary legacy of Rev Norman MacDonald, Valtos, Skye. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

Na Garbh Chrìochan

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Ailean Dòmhnallach a' toirt sùil air sgìre dham buin e fhèin, Na Garbh Chrìochan. Allan MacDonald brings us stories and song from the district of Morar, Arisaig and Moidart. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

An t-Urr Tormod Dòmhnallach, Bhaltos 2/2

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Jo NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt sùil air beatha 's dìleab an Urr Tormod Dòmhnallach à Bhaltos. Jo MacDonald examines the life and literary legacy of Rev Norman MacDonald, Valtos, Skye. Show more

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Catrìona Nic-a-phì 's i a' trusadh òrain is eile às a sgìr' dham buin i, an t-Ìochdar. Catriona MacPhee presents a selection of material recorded in the Iochdar area of South Uist. Show more

Sgaoileadh an Eòlais

Sgrìob tro Shlèite

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC Radio nan GàidhealLatest broadcast: on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Available for years

Tha Nicola NicThòmais a' gabhail sgrìob tro sgìre Shlèite san Eilean Sgitheanach. Nicola Thomson takes us on a tour of Sleat, Skye through the School of Scottish Studies archive. Show more