* from page 37 of ' New Every Morning '
* for Farmers and Shipping
★ Physical Training
(for use in an open space)
11.20 * Interval Music
11.25 History in the Making ★ 'The Royal Show'
11.45 Physical Training
★ (for use in a classroom)
at the Organ of the Tower
Ballroom, Blackpool
★ England v. The West Indies
A commentary during play, by Howard Marshall , from Lord's
★ Popular music for all tastes on gramophone records
★ Commentary continued
★ Our Parish
(A special series for Rural Schools by EDITH E. MACQUEEN , Ph.D.)
' Earning a Living '
2,25 ★ Interval Music
2.30 Senior Engtish
★ 'Great Writers of English :
Charles Dickens '
2.55 * Interval Music
3.0 Orchestral Concert
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, GUY WARRACK
Arranged and presented by Herbert Wiseman
3.30 * Interval Music
3.35 Early Stages in French
with The Swingtime Quartet:
Ralph Bruce Frank Harlow Len Whiteley Peter Sloan
Compere, Frederick Allen from the Pavilion Gardens, Buxton
★ Commentary continued
★ by Watson Forbes (viola)
Myers Foggin (pianoforte) A short introductory article by Watson Forbes will be found on page 12
Commentary continued
A programme of gramophone records
Presented by Christopher Stone
including Weather Forecast
England v. The West Indies
A commentary on the closing overs and a summary of the day's play, by Howard Marshall , from Lord's
' If War Comes'
Commander Stephen King-Hall
This is the first of a group of three weekly talks that are being included as part of the general Civil Defence series. This series has been running fortnightly since February.
These three talks are designed to bring before the citizen in a matter-of-fact way a picture of the realities that he and his family would have to face in the event of war. Mr. and Mrs. Everyman would, in such a case, find themselves in the front line, whether they liked it or not, and by listening to these broadcasts they should obtain an idea of what to expect.
Commander King-Hall needs little introduction as a broadcaster. He is a seasoned microphone hand with years of broadcasting, political, and literary experience behind him. His opening talk will he general in character, setting the scene for Commander Cave-Browne-Cave and W. P. Matthew , who will give the two subsequent talks.
A Microphone Menu for Men
Devised and produced by Max Kester
Chairman: Claude Dampier
Guests of Honour :
Mr. Muddlecombe, J.P.
(Robb Wilton ) and Captain Guy Baynton
(The Topical Adventurer) played by Ben Wright
Written by Kenneth Baily
Musical items will be rendered by Al and Bob Harvey
Fred Yule
Drinks will be served by lack Warman At the pianos
Alan Paul and Ivor Dennis
Some social experiments described:
' Hospital and Medical Services in the U.S.S.R.'
Joan McMichael , M.B.. and Percy Ford, Ph.D.,
Professor of Economics, University
College, Southampton
An illustrated musical history compiled by S. R. Littlewood
The cast will include
Davy Burnaby
Dennis Noble
Lorely Dyer
Horace Percival
Compère, S. R. Littlewood
The Three Ginx
The Brian Lawrance Rhythm
The BBC Theatre Chorus and the BBC Theatre Orchestra
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
Production by Gordon McConnel
Just returned from Canada, where he has been acting as adjudicator at the Dominion Drama Festival at London, Ontario, is S. R. Littlewood. He has come back specially to write this second half of his musical history of the Palace Theatre. The period covered will be from 1915 until the present day, and the show includes many famous Palace stars. Here will be a regular cavalcade of music : Binnie Hale singing ' I want to be happy ' and ' Tea for Two Davy Burnaby recalling Co-Optimist days, Dennis Noble singing ' Tokay '. from Bitter Siceel, and other Palace hits such as ' English Maids ' from Monsieur Beaucaire and ' Swords and Sabres ' from Prince Charming.
In the course of the hour's programme the Theatre Orchestra will have no fewer than twenty-two different melodies to handle.
(To be broadcast again on Thursday:
Regional, 9.0)
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
' The Working Man Looks at
A discussion between
A. J. Day, crane driver
T. Husgins. french polisher
T. Smith , out of work and of conscript age
1. Kipling, ex-Service man.
Congress Award holder
by The Brosa String Quartet:
Antonio Brosa (violin)
Norman Chappie (violin)
Leonard Rubens (viola)
Livio Manucci (violoncello)
with Pat Taylor
Hughie Diamond from the London Casino
The Halle Orchestra, conducted by Sir Hamilton Harty : Royal Hunt and Storm (The Trojans at Carthage) (Berlioz)
The London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Hamilton Harty : Romeo's Reverie and Fete of the Capules (Romeo and Juliet) i (Berlioz)