(Church of England) from St. John's Parish Church Stratford, London
Organ Voluntary
Hymn, Fill Thou my life, 0 Lord my God (A. and M. 705 ; S.P. 492)
Confession and Absolution Versicles and Responses Psalm cxlv
Lesson, St. John vi, 5-14 Benedictus Creed
Hymn, Father of all, to Thee (A. and M. 514-; S.P. 252)
Address by the Rev. PERCY SOWERBY
Hymn, Thy Hand, 0 God, has guided (A. and M. 604)
Organist and Choirmaster,
F. H. Dawson
About the year 1832, the need of a church for Stratford was recognised. Stratford was then a pleasant suburb, and in 1834, on what was then known as ' Gallows Green ', St. John's Church was built and consecrated as a Chapel-of-Ease to West Ham. The Church stands in the centre of the town, at a place where the main road diverges towards Romford and Leytonstone ; its site was formerly an unenclosed village green. In 1844 the parish was legally separated, and St. John's became Stratford Parish Church.
Ⓓ for Farmers and Shipping
Conductor. P. S. G. O'Donnell
Tom Williams (baritone)
© ' Shrubs and Hedges '
C. H. Middleton and A. Osborn
C. H. Middleton is bringing to the microphone Arthur Osborn , Deputy Curator of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, to discuss the planting and care of shrubs and hedges. Mr. Osborn is one of the leading authorities on trees and shrubs and is responsible for the upkeep of the wide and varied collection of these at Kew. He is author of the well-known book ' Shrubs and Trees for the Garden '.
Act 2 of Donizetti's Opera
Members of the Scala, Milan
Conductor, Carlo Sabajno
Chorus Master, Vittore Veneziani
The BBC Orchestra
(Section E)
Led by Laurance Turner
Conducted by Constant Lambert
Nicolai Graudan (violoncello)
Cossack Dance (Mazeppa)
Elegy and Waltz (Serenade for
Variations on a Rococo Theme
Nicolai Graudan was born in Libau which is now in Latvia, and studied the cello at the Imperial Conservatoire at St. Petersburg. After two years he carried off the highest musical degree there, and consequently was immediately appointed to the staff as professor of the cello. Some years later he became principal cello of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, a post which he held for many years. Mr. Graudan has appeared as a soloist in most of the European musical centres. He has also broadcast frequently in Germany, France, Holland, and England.
Praise from Liszt
Tchaikovsky's Variations on a Rococo Theme' was composed in 1876 and dedicated to William Fitz hagen, a celebrated cellist and Professor at the Moscow Conservatoire. It is a lovely work and beautifully written for the solo instrument. Although the entire technical resources of the cello are exploited with brilliant and artistic effect, the music cannot be accused of being merely dazzling and showy. It possesses genuine poetic qualities that are deeply expressive. The theme, though 'rococo' m style, is original in conception. After an introduction in which the theme is foreshadowed, the solo cello plays it in full with light support from the strings, and then follow seven variations, the last being the most brilliant and decorative of all.
When the Rococo ' Variations were played by Fitzhagen at the Wiesbaden Festival in 1879, Liszt heard the performance and remarked at last here is music again
Alia tedesca, Scherzo, and Finale
(from Symphony No. 3-The Polish)
Music of Violinist Composers
2-Eighteenth Century (All the above items arranged by Leslie Bridgewater )
Answers to Listeners' Questions
The Rev. Donald 0. Soper, Ph.D.
Margaret Godley (soprano)
Bradbridge White (tenor)
Stanley Riley (bass)
The Griller String Quartet
Edric Cundell began his career as an orchestral horn player, in which capacity he played at Covent Garden under Nikisch in 1912. He now devotes most of his time to teaching and composing, and among his compositions are the String Quartet that won the first prize in the Daily Telegraph Chamber Music Competition, three symphonic poems, and a symphony. Listeners may remember that his symphonic poem ' Serbia ' was broadcast last week.
F. Andrew Rice
(All arrangements by Guy Fletcher and Jack Beaver )
A programme of songs and duets from famous operettas with The BBC Theatre Orchestra
The programme arranged and conducted by Stanford Robinson
(Church of England) from the Concert Hall,
Broadcasting House
Organ Voluntary
8.0 Order of Service
Hymn, Come down, 0 Love divine
(A. and M. 670 ; S.P. 177) '
Confession and Absolution
Lord's Prayer, Versicles and Responses
Psalms cxlvii, cxlviii, and cl
First Lesson, Malachi iii, 1-6 Magnificat (Wood in E flat)
Second Lesson, John xx, 19-29 Nunc Dimittis (Wood in E'flat) Creed, Versicles and Collects
Anthem, Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Bairstovi)
Hymn, Before Jehovah's awful
Throne (A. and M. 516)
A Study by Henry James
Adapted from his story and produced by M. H. Allen
Scene : Vevey and Rome
Time : 1877
Characters in order of their appearance
(By permission of H. M. Tennent Ltd.)
See the article by M. H. Allen on page 17