From page 85 of 'New Every Morning'
at the Organ of the Regal Cinema,
French for Sixth Forms
La République Franchise
(Coups d'ceil sur I'histoire de France)
The Isidore Schwiller String
Isidore Schwiller (violin)
Gerald Emms (violin)
Douglas Thomson (viola) Horace Avckbourn (viola) John Holms (violoncello)
' The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Julius Kopsch :
Overture, Beatrice and Benedict (Berlioz) .
London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Malcolm Sargent : Les
Sylphides-Ballet Su.te (Chopin)
(orch. White and Murray)
The Berlin State Opera Orchestra, conducted by Mascagni: Prelude, ' Die Rantzau ', and Dances, ' Iris ' (Mascagni)
Ⓓ Conductor, W. C. Crozier
(Scottish Programme)
Interval Music
2.5 World History
"The Minotaur'
A dramatic interlude written by RHODA POWER
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 Biology in the Service of Man
(Our Food)
H. MUNRO Fox , F.R.S.
(From Midland)
2.50 Interlude
3.0 Concerts for Schools
Orchestral Concert
The Strings of the BBC Scottish Orchestra
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Arranged and presented by HERBERT WISEMAN
(Scottish Programme)
Ⓓ From the Point of View of a Toy Maker
In this interesting series views on children are being expressed by various people who have special relations with them. The firstbroadcast was given by a father, the second by a mother, and today's is to be given by a man who supplies children with toys. He regards it as a special sort of privilege and sees himself in a kind of family relationship with Santa Claus. He will describe how it was that he first became a toy maker and how from that time he has been in close co-operation with mothers and ' nannies ' as to the kind of toys that children want. It is interesting to know that practically all the toys he sells have been suggested by one or the other.
from St. Paul's Cathedral
Order of Service
Psalms xxxii-xxxiv Lesson, Job xxxiii
Magnificat (Dyson in D)
Lesson, Luke vii, 36 to end Nunc Dimittis (Dyson in D)
Anthem, Rejoice in the Lord (Purcell)
(Words: Philippians iv, 4-7)
Hymn, As now the sun's declining rays (A. and M. 13)
including Weather Forecast
W. S. Mansfield
W. S. Mansfield , who is giving the farming talks this autumn, is Manager of the Cambridge University Farm. He is very well known to East Anglian farmers, particularly as a breeder of dairy shorthorns and large white pigs. He was a judge of Percheron horses at the Royal Show this year.
The Cambridge University Farm is run on strictly business lines, apart from experiments which take place on it. A certain amount of sugarbeet is grown, but the most interesting thing is the part which is under a system of ' alternate husbandry ' ; that is to say, fields remain down to grass for four years and then are ploughed up again for four years (wheat, wheat, beans, wheat, the last of these being undersown with a simple seeds mixture).
Last week Mr. Mansfield introduced the Minister of Agriculture to listeners ; today he is to introduce himself. He will tell them all about his farm and say something about the broadcast series he is giving, and finally a word or .two about the autumn clearing of the fields.
by Lucie Stern
at the Organ of the Regal Cinema,
Bexley Heath
Favourites Old and New
By arrangement with Messrs. Lee and J. J. Schubert, the first performance in England (in an adaptation for broadcasting) of the New York stage success
A musical version of Anthony Hope 's famous romance ' The Prisoner of Zenda'
Music by Sigmund Romberg
Adapted for this version by Mark H. Lubbock
Lyrics by Harry B. Smith
Book (for the broadcast play) by Peter Creswell
Principal characters in the order in which they are heard
Also Porters, Attendants, Customs Officials, Peasants, Officers of Both Parties, Courtiers, Servants, An old Marshal, a Cardinal-Archbishop, An Affected Lady, an Outspoken Lady, etc., etc.
The story opens in a railway train approaching the frontier of Ruritania, moves to a forest near the Castle of Zenda ; then to the palace in Strelsau, the capital ; to a Guard-room in Zenda Castle ; and to the forest near by again
The BBC Revue Chorus and the BBC Theatre Orchestra conducted by Mark H. Lubbock
The production by Peter Creswell
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
A programme commemorating the centenary of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, based upon a hundred-year history of the P. and 0. by Boyd Cable
The programme arranged and produced by Felix Felton
(' Mary of Egypt')
A Mystery in Three Episodes by Claudio Guastalla
(English Translation by M. D. Calvocoressi )
Music by Respighi
The BBC Chorus (Section B)
Chorus Master, Leslie Woodgate
The BBC Orchestra (Section C)
Led by Laurance Turner
Conducted by Boyd Neel
Episode 1 : The Quayside, Alexandria
Episode 2 : At the Gate of the Temple, Jerusalem
Episode 3 : The Desert. A Cavern