From page 9 of 'New Every Morning'
Music and Movement for
11.20 A Pianoforte Interlude by Cicely Hoye
11.30 Music and Movement for Ⓓ Infants
Lilly Phillips (violoncello)
0. H. Peasgood (organ)
Under the direction of Johan Hock from Queen's College Chambers
Lecture Hall, Birmingham
The MacNaghten String Quartet:
Anne MacNaghten (first violin)
Elsie Deprez
Phyllis Chapman (viola)
Olive Richards (violoncello)
Interval Music
2.5 Travel Talk
Ⓓ In the Parklands (Guiana) '
Last week listeners heard about the ' rain forest' in British Guiana. Today they are to hear about the savannahs or parklands. Hector Elwes will tell listeners how he once went right up on the savannahs in the interior of the country, up near the Brazilian border, to look at cattle reared on the ranch there. He will describe the journey by steamer up a river called the Berbice until rapids made it necessary to change to a canoe. He will describe the country and the birds and animals he saw ; and will relate how he and his party slept each night on the shore in Indian hammocks, and how they eventually reached the cattle tracks and took to horseback. Listeners will hear of the tropical forest they passed through, and of the ranch they reached at last, and how Mr. Elwes returned with a herd of cattle to take down to the coast.
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 Feature Programmes and Topical Talks
2.50 Interval Music
2.55 junior English
A Play: The Twelve Month* made from a Czech Legend by JEAN SUTCLIFFE
3.15 Talk on Next Week's Broadcast Music
3.35 Talk for Sixth Forms
' Euripides '
3.55 Interval
(§. by Leonard Hibbs
1, How it began
Arranged by S. E. Reynolds and John Richmond
(Empire Programme)
Three separate items will be broadcast in the third and last of these programmes arranged by S. E. Reynolds and John Richmond and broadcast to Empire as well as to British listeners.
Railway Rolling-Stock
A visit will be paid to the London, Midland, and Scottish Railway's research station at Derby, and listeners will hear something of no fewer than five of the many tests of materials for rolling-stock that are carried out there. They will hear the sound of a half-inch steel plate being tested for endurance properties as influnced by weld ; the sound of a ' mechanical seat' being tested for its wearing properties ; the sound of a pre-arranged accident taking place on a toy railway to test the effect of couplings on an overturned carriage. (Will it pull over the carriage it is coupled to ?) ; and next the sound of the ' rail and wheel ', a machine that reproduces the actual effect of the friction of the wheel on the rail and vice versa. Listeners will hear the wheels taking a curve at high speed and the speed called out. Finally, there will be a short talk on the ' weatherometer ' which tests the endurance of paint under the influence of artificial rain, sunlight, frost, and an acid-saturated atmosphere.
Aeroplane Engine Testing
Next, a visit will be made to an aeroplane factory in the West of England to hear something of the work that goes on there. It will not be possible to broadcast the full sound of the engine, for the noise is devastating, and the microphone will probably have to be placed a hundred yards away. It is hoped that listeners will hear the final test-that of the 'plane fitted with the engine taking off to be tested in flight.
Miscellaneous Testing
Finally, it is hoped that Dr. Fox, Government Chemist in charge of the Government Laboratory which tests more than half a million samples of all kinds of substances every year, will say something about the history of testing.
including Weather Forecast
Fraulein von Tresckow and Carl Brinitzer
The Swift Serenade Concert
Bell Walker
David Porter
The programme symphonised by Ray Terry
(From North)
Remark and Repartee in Music
Sir Walford Davies
Alan Hyde (horn)
Winifred Small (violin)
Maurice Cole (pianoforte)
Joe Rossi
Freddy Schweitzer
The Henderson Twins
Peggy Dell
Dick Murphy
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
A joint statement by the Controller of Programmes and the Chief
Antonio Brosa (violin)
The BBC Orchestra
(Section D)
Leader, Paul Beard
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
Concert Overture in E, Op. 12 Violin Concerto No. 2, Op. 61
Movements from the Ballet, Hamasie, Op. 55
Karol Szymanowski, who died early this year at the age of fifty-three, was one of the leading figures in contemporary music and was -certainly the greatest Polish composer since Chopin. Szymanowski received his musical education in Warsaw and began his career as a composer by following in Chopin's footsteps.
He has, however, aptly been compared with our own Arnold Bax , born in the same year. Both have the same romantic, lyrical kind of temperament ; both are fond of great profusion of detail ; and both are moderate modernists as regards harmony. Like Bax, too, Szymanowski is equally at home in all forma from the symphony and the large-scale choral work to the song or short piano piece. But he has also invaded a field left untouched by Bax who has written no operas, whereas Szymanowski has written two.
The three works to be heard this evening, particularly the Violin Concerto, represent the composer's orchestral style at its best.
JOE FERRIE and THE JACKDAWS from the Dorchester Hotel