Ⓓ From page 53 of 'New Every Morning'
German for Fifth Forms
' Ein deutsches Puppenspiel'
Wanda Landowska (harpsichord):
Preludes I and 2 (Six Little Preludes) (Bach)
Mischa Levitzki (pianoforte): Prelude in G minor, Op. 23, No. (Rachmaninoff)
Wanda Landowska (harpsichord):
Fantasia in C minor (Bach)
Irene Scharrer (pianoforte): Fantiisie Impromptu in C sharp minor, Op. 66 (Chopin)
(From the Acts of the Apostles to the Reformation)
2-The Grseco-Roman World by Cyril Bailey , M.B.E., F.B.A., Classical Tutor of Balliol College,
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Guy Warrack
Not often do listeners have the chance of hearing a spy talk about his peculiar job. The chance is given them today. The speaker is necessarily modest about his identity. He will broadcast as ' E7 '. But this unromantic appellation does not lessen the romance of the stories he has to tell. He started his international career as a Russian spy in Japan during the war of 1904. Since that time he has lived like a millionaire and starved like a tramp, has been shot at, stabbed, and flogged. At one period of his life he was actually engaged by a foreign Power to act as a spy in England. He will tell listeners all about that, too. He is surely one of the most remarkable characters ever to come to the microphone.
by Clifford Roberts from the Chelsea Parish Church of St. Luke
Ⓓ Interval Music
2.5 Science and Gardening
The Soil-From Rock to Soil
B. A. KEEN, D.Sc., F.R.S.
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 Music, First Year
Ⓓ Duple and Quadruple Time
The Minim
from the Savoy Hotel
Olive Kavann and Hugh French with The Rae Jenkins Trio
At the piano, Wilfrid Parry
Produced by Ernest Longstaffe
This is the first of a series of tea-time broadcasts under this refreshing title, which will take place every Monday from 4 to 4.30 p.m., and will take the form of the presentation of the very latest song and ballad hits straight from the pens of the most popular writers.
The entertainment, produced by Ernest Longstaffe , will be introduced by Olive Kavann and Hugh French , who will also act as comperes and sustain the singing rôles throughout. The Rae Jenkins Trio will provide the musical ensembles and accompaniments. This show should prove yet another success for the deviser and producer of ' Palace of Varieties '.
No. 3, in C
1 Andante-Allegro. 2 Theme and Variations. 3 Allegro non troppo l'istesso tempo Allegro
Serge Prokofiev (pianoforte) and London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Piero Coppola
by Frederick Hall
including Weather Forecast
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
Presented by Harry S. Pepper and Douglas Moodie
Singing Commere, Judy Shirley
BBC Variety Orchestra,
Conducted by Harold Lowe
Len Berman
Inspector Hornleigh Investigates
No. 10. ' Diamond Jane ' makes a mistake by Hans W. Priwin
In this series of sketches Inspector Hornleigh interrogates the various witnesses, and in each case the witness makes some slip which convicts him. Are you as astute as Inspector Hornleigh? The mistake the witness makes will not be disclosed until later in the programme.
This Stopped the Show
Devised by Robert Ellison
This is the first of a new series featuring the particular song which held up the first night performance of some of the most famous musical comedies.
Ernest Shannon
(In impressions of a guest hour)
Elizabeth Welch
The first episode in the tale of Mr. Augustus Plum and Family
Devised by Sonny Miller
Written and presented by Max Kester
What does the public want?
Anthony Bertram
Max Rostal '(violin)
Franz Osborn (pianoforte)
Fugue in G minor (K. 401)
Sonata in D (K. 306)
1 Allegro con spirito. 2 Andante cantabile. 3 Allegretto-allegro-allegretto--allegro
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
with Esta Stein
Joseph Greenspun
Doris Taylor and the Jewish Male Voice Choir
Conducted by Ir Berman
The programme arranged by Joseph Greenspun
(Section C)
Led by Laurance Turner
Conducted by Julian Clifford
Luigi Fort (tenor)
1. 'Sonnet-' They that have power to hurt and will do none' (Shakespeare)
2. Elegy written in a Country Church-yard (Gray)
3. Sonnet-' Why art thou silent ?
Is thy love a plant ? ' (Wordsworth)
4. Sonnet-' The world's too much with us ; Late and soon— ' (Wordsworth)
Read by Giles Playfair
from the Cafe Anglais