Programme Index

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' News from Nowhere '
J. D. Beresford
Is it possible that under certain conditions we may receive messages from a source unknown to science ? In his talk this afternoon J. D. Beresford , the distinguished novelist, will give an account of two strange communications within his personal experience—just ' news from nowhere ' that apparently served no useful purpose.
Every Thursday at this time a different speaker who has had some extraordinary experience which he cannot explain will describe it before the microphone.


J. D. Beresford
J. D. Beresford

Leader, Harold Fairhurst
Conducted by Sir Adrian Boult and Richard Austin
Solo pianoforte, Myra Hess from the Pavilion, Bournemouth
(Soloist, MYRA HESS)
(Conducted by RICHARD AUSTIN )
Fantastic Symphony Berlioz
1 Visions and Passions. 2 At a Ball (Waltz). 3 In 'the Country. 4 The Procession to the Stake. 5 A Witches' Sabbath—Witches' Round Dance
(Conducted by SIR ADRIAN BOULT )
[Programme continued overleaf


Conducted By:
Sir Adrian Boult
Myra Hess
Conducted By:
Richard Austin
Conducted By:
Sir Adrian Boult

The Close of the Tennis Season
Star v. Rabbit
A discussion by Peggy Scriven and Freddie Grisewood
Listeners should hear a lively debate between an enthusiastic : rabbit ' in the shape of one of the most popular of broadcasters, F. H. Grisewood , and the Wightman Cup tennis player, Peggy Scriven. Many a time when they have played together in tournaments and private games Grisewood has contended that the ' rabbit ', or mediocrity, gets all the worst of it in tournaments and everywhere else, but Peggy Scriven won't have it so. Now they are to argue it out before the microphone.


Peggy Scriven
F. H. Grisewood
Peggy Scriven.
Peggy Scriven

Doughty, Lawrence, and the Near East
Sir Ronald Storrs ,
K.C.M.G., C.B.E.
Sir Ronald Storrs , whose talk on Kitchener was a feature in the ' I Knew a Man ' series, has had a distinguished career in the East, dating from 1904, when he entered the Egyptian Government, Ministry of Finance, to 1932, when he had been for four years Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Cyprus. He was then appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Northern Rhodesia, an appointment he held until 1934, when he was invalided from tropical service.
In his broadcast this evening he will discuss some great books about the Near and Middle East, including Kinglake's ' Eothen ' and Doughty's ' Arabia Deserta ', and he will conclude his talk with a reference to ' The Seven Pillars of Wisdom ' and give some personal memories of Lawrence of Arabia.
Sir Ronald was Oriental Secretary to the British Agency in Egypt in 1909 and was Lawrence's link with that country.


Sir Ronald Storrs
Sir Ronald Storrs

A Radio Romp presented by Clarkson Rose
The cast includes
Olive Fox
Gordon Holdom
Rupert Rogers
Joy Hay den
Conrad Leonard
Ann Leslie
Eddie Henderson
The D'Alton Brothers
The Four Clarkson Rosebuds and Clarkson Rose


Presented By:
Clarkson Rose
Olive Fox
Gordon Holdom
Rupert Rogers
Joy Hay Den
Conrad Leonard
Ann Leslie
Eddie Henderson
Clarkson Rosebuds
Clarkson Rose

H. G. Maurice , C.B.
The path of human progress is strewn with wrecks, and the destructive arm of man has fallen most heavily upon wild life-animals, trees, and plants. In this series of talks that was introduced last week by Julian Huxley , the tale of destruction will be told so far as it affects animal life ; and the efforts which are being made in various quarters of the Empire to avoid the extinction of rare animals will be described.
Tonight H. G. Maurice , Fisheries
Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture, will show how man alone is responsible for the disappearance of the quagga, once counted in thousands on the South African veldt.
He will speak of the lovely biaubok that has also vanished before the invasion of man ; of the Greenland right whale, now very rare, and of the blue whale, the largest animal the world has ever known and probably the most unoffending, which is in grave danger.


H. G. Maurice
Julian Huxley
H. G. Maurice

National Programme Daventry

About National Programme

National Programme is a radio channel that started transmitting on the 9th March 1930 and ended on the 9th September 1939. It was replaced by BBC Home Service.

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About this data

This data is drawn from the Radio Times magazine between 1923 and 2009. It shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was subject to change and may not be accurate. More