From page 45 of ' New Every Morning '
Nancy Evans (contralto): The Water-Mill and How can the tree but wither?* (Vaughan Williams). Indian Love Song (Delius)
French for Sixth Forms
La Musique franchise
(avec accompagnement musical)
Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conductor, B. Walton O'Donnell
A.V. Froggatt (baritone)
In this second suite from "Music to a Child's Play", the first movement a march, is the longest and most elaborately worked out. In "Little Bells" actual bells are included. In the third movement we are to suppose the "Moths and Butterflies" dancing in the sun, and in the fourth, "Fountain Dance", the sparkling water is vividly presented to us. Although in the fifth movement
"The Tame Bear" is for the most part well-mannered, we are here and there reminded that he is, nevertheless a bear and can still growl; "The Wild Bears" bring the suite to an end with great energy.
Arthur Somervell, whose death occurred a few months ago at the age of seventy-four, was a pupil of Stanford at Cambridge, and later joined the teaching staff of the Royal College of Music. He was a fairly prolific composer, until he took up the teaching work that led to his appointment as Principal Inspector of Music to the Board of Education and Scottish Education Department.
His music is typically English in its economy and restraint and straightforward sincerity of feeling. It is probably by his songs that he will live, for his best qualities found their happiest expression in his settings of English poets, from Shakespeare to those of the nineteenth century.
Conductor, W. Ellison
James Bolesworth (bass)
with ' Vernon Adcock (xylophone)
(From Midland)
Ⓓ Bulletin
World History
Greece and Persia: Salamis
A dramatic interlude written by HUGH Ross WILLIAMSON
' We know the power of the Mede is many times greater than ours. Nevertheless, because we love freedom, we will defend ourselves as best we can. Carry then this answer back from the Athenians that, as long as the sun keeps its place in the sky, we will make no terms with Xerxes.'
That is what the people of Athens said when a messenger told them they were mad to think of fighting against the great army of Xerxes, ruler of the Medes and Persians. In today's broadcast you will hear how the Persians tried to conquer the Greeks in a great sea battle by the island of Salamis.
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 Biology in the Service of Man Water and Fuel
H. MUNRO Fox , F.R.S.
(From Midland)
In his opening talk in this course which covers a year and which Dr. Munro Fox is giving for the first time, he explained why it is important for everyone to know something of biology, and how life is more worth living today than in the past because of what biology has done for us. We have a better chance of being healthy, we know about microbes and can fight them, we have ways of avoiding pain. In his talk today he will tell you why water and food are essential to plants "and animals as to you yourselves. Plants need food to grow. So do children, but children need even more food for fuel. He will tell you why.
2.50 Interlude
3.0 Concerts for Schools
A Studio Concert
The Oboe
(Scottish Programme)
Marta Eggerth (soprano): Wonderful, to be in love (Wunderschon ist es verliebt zu sein) (Nich, Pirelli) ; Do you never remember ? (Denkst du nie daran) (Vecsey, Buss-man) (both from the film Das Hofkonzert) (the Court Concert). Voices of Spring (Waltz Song) (Johann Strauss , arr. Genee Grothe). A Waltz of long ago (Where is this lady?) (Siever, Lehdr)
Ⓓ From the point of view of a Bachelor
from St. Paul's Cathedral
Order of Service
Psalm civ
Lesson, Proverbs xxii, 1-16
Magnificat (Brewer in E flat) Lesson, Luke xiv, 25 to xv, 10
Nunc Dimittis (Brewer in E flat)
Anthem, How lovely is Thy dwelling-place (Brahms) (words from Psalm lxxxiv)
Hymn, Pray that Jerusalem may have peace and felicity (E.H. 472)
including Weather Forecast
W. S. Mansfield
W. S. Mansfield is bringing Cyril Allday to the microphone to talk about that great annual event among farmers, the London Dairy Show. They will discuss the choice of a suitable cow for the show, the preparing of such a cow when chosen, and will also review the milking trials at the dairy show as a criterion of production. Mr. Allday farms at Fotheringhay Manor, near Peter-borough. He is a well-known breeder of dairy shorthorns and has been very successful with his Fotheringhay herd, not only at the summer shows but also at the London Dairy Show.
by Tom Thomas (male alto)
An Operetta
Broadcasting version founded upon the libretto by Harry B. Smith and Robert B. Smith
Music by Charles Cuvillier
Characters in order of their appearance Dominoes, Maskers, Dancers, Guests
The BBC Revue Chorus and the BBC Theatre Orchestra, conducted by Stanford Robinson
Act 1: A Casino on the Riviera
Act 2: Garden of the Count's Villa, overlooking the Mediterranean
Act 3. Scene I : Georgine's Room
Scene 2: The Casino Terrace on a Carnival Night
Adaptation and production by Gordon McConnel
See the article bv M. Willson Disher on page 10
The Lilac Domino' was broadcast in the Regional programme last night
(Season 1937-8) from Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co. Lid.)
First Concert
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
Part 2
Tickets may be obtained from [address removed], and the usual Agents. Prices (including Entertainments Tax) : 10s. to 2s.
Geoffrey Tandy and Ronald
. Watkins will read
On first looking into Chapman's
Homer (Keats)
A Birthday (Christina Rossetti ) Sally in our Alley (Carey)
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
Summer Night (Tennyson)
Weep you no more, sad fountains
Death the Leveller (Shirley) Jerusalem (Blake)
From Samson Agonistes (Milton) On His Blindness (Milton)
Fear no more the heat of the sun
The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalms)