From page 117 of 'New Every Morning
Ⓓ for Farmers and Shipping
Vladimir Horowitz (pianoforte):
Scherzo No. 4, in E (Chopin)
Joseph Szigeti (violin): Capnol
Suite (Warlock, arr. Szigeti)-Basse Danse ; Pavane ;
Mattachins Arthur Rubinstein (pianoforte):
Prelude in A minor (Debussy). For-lane (Le Tombeau de Coupenn) (Ravel)
History in the Making
The King Opens Parliament by FRANK BIRCH
The New English Trio:
Gwynneth Trotter (violin)
Audrey Piggott (violoncello)
Dorothea Aspinall (pianoforte) 1 Allegro energico e con fuoco. 2 Andante espressivo. 3 Scherzo: Molto allegro quasi presto. 4
Finale: Allegro appassionato
An episode from Izaak Walton's 'The Compleat Angler'
Adapted by Jonquil Antony
Produced by Leslie Stokes
'O the gallant Fisher's life,
It is the best of any;
'Tis full of pleasure, void ot strife,
And 'tis beloved of many;
Other joys
Are but toys; Only this
Lawful is;
For our skill Breeds no ill,
But content and pleasure.'
(Empire Programme)
by Ⓓ
Frank E. Woodhouse from the College of Technology,
New Mayfair Orchestra: Selection, Yes, Madam
Lawrence Tibbett (baritone): The
Song is You ; And Love. was born (Music in the Air) (Kern)
Elizabeth Welch : Far away in Shanty Town ; The Girl I knew (Glamorous Night) (Novello)
Theatre Orchestra: Selection,
Glamorous Night (Novello)
Dorothy Dickson : Music in May
(Careless Rapture) (Novello)
Sybil Crawley and Eric Starling :
Love made the song (Careless Rapture) (Novello)
Geraldo and his Sweet Music::
Selection, Evergreen (Rodgers)
Ⓓ Bulletin
Ⓓ Round the Countryside
Rabbits and Hares
Mr. Gaddum will talk about two common British animals, the rabbit and the hare. Although they are closely related, their habits and characteristics are quite distinct. For instance, the hare likes solitude, while the rabbit is very sociable. Mr. Gaddum will deal with their family life, and will explain why it is that in the face of so much persecution they still manage to survive in the English countryside.
2.25 Ⓓ Interval Music
Poets. and Poetry:
(g, Aria Form ; Flute
E.M. Stephan and Germaine Chamayou
Detained on Suspicion of Murder
A. J. J. Ratcliff
(An electrical recording of the talk broadcast in the Northern programme on October 25, 1937)
In the heart of the Magyar country, visitors from Budapest and further afield are listening to a programme of Continental and Gypsy Music played by The Hungaria Gypsy Band
Bela Bizony is the conductor and the music is introduced by Alexander Howard
From the Hungaria Restaurant
Alexander Horowitz Howard , now with the Hungaria Restaurant, tours Europe every year looking for good violinists for the Hungaria Gypsy Band. Bela Bizony , from the Transylvanian Carpathians, gave a series of serious recitals in leading Continental cities before changing over to light entertainment. His services were claimed by fashionable clubs at various smart Continental resorts. He came over to the Hungaria for the Coronation season, and has been there ever since.
including Weather Forecast
Notices connected with Government and other public services
Conductor, J. W. Simpson
Alexander Sved (baritone)
4, Propaganda and Rhetoric
R. W. Jepson
Scenes, Melodies, and Memories of Thirty Years Ago
Presented by Leslie Baily and Charles Brewer
The Merry Widow Vogue
Mystery of the Ascot Gold Cup
Retold by Ex-detective Inspector Harry Smale
Tetrazzini's London Debut
With a recording of the great prima donna
Earthquake in Jamaica
Recalled by Dr. Vaughan Cornish
Recollections of Edwardian Ballad
Concerts by Dorothy Forster
Flight of Nulli Secundus Airship, The Kaiser at Windsor, The First
Talkie, etc., etc. '
The cast also includes Patric Curwen (compere), Jose Collins , J. B. Rowe , John Rorke , Edwin Paterson , Olive Groves, Andrew Churchman , Gladys Young , Eric Lugg , Foster Carlin ,
A. C. Mann
The BBC Revue Chorus and The BBC Theatre Orchestra
Conducted by Mark H. Lubbock
Among the things for which 1907 was famous was the first night of The Merry Widow at Daly's. It brought name and fame to Lil Elsie.
Listeners will hear a dramatised incident around Tetrazzini's first London appearance, and another around the theft of the Ascot Gold Cup, in connection with which an amusing story will be told about Mark Twain.
A talking film was shown at the London Hippodrome. One of the experts in charge of the apparatus will tell listeners about it. Another feature of the year that will be recalled was the craze for diabolo.
' Scrapbook for 1907 ' was broadcast in the Regional programme last night
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
The Discovery of the Coolgardie
Goldfields, 1892
Frank Gerald
sung by Conchita Badia d'Agusti
(soprano) Scenes from Spanish ballad-operas
(17th-18th centuries)
(Section D)
Led by Marie Wilson
Conducted by Frank Bridge
Parry Jones (tenor)
from the Grand Hotel, Torquay