From page 109 of 'New Every Morning'
for Farmers and Shipping
German for Sixth Forms
' Abenteuer beim Skilaufen '
Yvonne Arnaud (pianoforte), with String Orchestra: Allegro in F minor (Bach). Rondo al 'ungherese (Haydn), Waltz Caprice (Saint-Saens)
(From the Acts of the Apostles to the Reformation)
5—' Empire and Church: The Battle Set in Array'
The Rt. Rev. A. E. J. RAWLINSON ,
D.D., Bishop of Derby
This important outline of Church history, from the Acts of the Apostles to the Reformation, will be carried on today by that great scholar, Dr. Rawlinson, author of 'Studies in Historical Christianity ' among other publications. He will discuss the obscure beginnings of Roman Christianity; St. Peter and St. Paul ; Christianity from the point of view of the pagans and the real grounds of the conflict between Empire and Church.
Leader, Alfred Cave
Conducted by Eric Warr
Lady Longford
The title seems to explain itself, though after living in Dublin for some years and taking an active part in the life of the city, Lady Longford says she feels almost more like an Irishwoman in London. She is over here again, producing plays with Lord Longford. Herself a play-wright and a witty novelist, Lady Longford has never yet given a broadcast talk. Few people, whether English or Irish, men or women, have made a more intensive study of the history, art, or life of her adopted Dublin.
from the Concert Hall,
Broadcasting House
Eric Thiman
Ⓓ Science and Gardening
What Tilth means
B. A. KEEN , D.Sc., F.R.S.
2.25 Interval Music
2.30 Music
Second Year
A Song Lesson, Tones and Semitones THOMAS ARMSTRONG , D.Mus.
Ⓓ ORCHESTRA from Claridge's Hotel
Early Stages in German
Olive Kavann and Hugh French with The Rae Jenkins Trio
At the pianoforte, Ivor Dennis
Compere, Bryan Michie
Produced by Ernest Longstaffe
1 Nicht zu schnell. 2 Langsam. 3 Sehr lebhaft
Gregor Piatigorsky and the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by John Barbirolli
with Webster Booth
Time Signal, Greemvich including Weather Forecast
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Guy Warrack
Catherine Stewart (contralto)
Thomas Augustine Arne in his own day was recognised as one of the foremost of English musicians, and indeed from the production of his music to Milton's Comus in 1738 until about the middle of last century there was none to challenge that position with him. Since then his music has been somewhat unaccountably neglected, and we owe it largely to the enthusiasm of some of our young musicians today that the best of it is being revived. Julian Herbage has contributed a large share in reviving some of the finest music of the old Doctor, which has remained for generations forgotten on the dusty shelves of libraries.
Presented by Harry S. Pepper and Douglas Moodie
Singing Commere, Judy Shirley
The BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Charles Shadwell
Edward Cooper
' Inspector Hornleigh Investigates '
No. 13 —'Robbery at the Hotel' by Hans W. Priwin
In this series of sketches, Inspector Hornleigh interrogates the various witnesses, and in each case the witness makes some slip which convicts him. Are you as astute as Inspector Hornleigh ? The mistake the witness makes will not be disclosed until later in the programme.
' This Stopped the Show '
Devised by Robert Ellison
This is the fourth of a series featuring the particular song which held up the first night performance of some of the most famous musical comedies.
Hugh Wakefield
In the third of a series of comedy sketches
No. 3-' Hugh at the Club ', Part 1 by Frederick Carlton
Grace and Charles Herbert
The fourth episode in the tale of Mr. Augustus Plum and Family by Sonny Miller and Max Kester
4, In the House: Bedrooms and Bathrooms
Anthony Bertram
A weekly half-hour of American
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
The International String Quartet:
Andre Mangeot (violin)
Walter Price (violin) Max Gilbert (viola)
Bernard Richards (violoncello)
Yvonne Arnaud (pianoforte) Fauré had great power of lyrical expression. His music abounds with beautiful and finely drawn melodies.
A consummate craftsman and a harmonist of considerable range and subtlety, everything he wrote was polished to the utmost degree and designed with an unerring sense of balance and clarity of style.
It is a curious fact that although chamber music was an important creative medium with Faure, the purest of all chamber music combinations-the string quartet-he neglected until the last year of his life, when the String Quartet in E minor appeared. In many respects it is a beautiful work, particularly the expressive slow movement, but it is perhaps not quite so perfectly finished as the composer's other chamber works, for he died before he could give it a final revision.
Maurice Healy will open this series, where poems of the speaker's choice will be read, and he will say why it is they attract him
with RONNIE ODELL and JACK, JOCK , and JIMMIE from the Piccadilly Hotel