From page 9 of 'New Every Morning'
for Farmers and Shipping
Philip Thornton
Leader, Alfred Cave
Conducted by. Eric Warr
Tom Bromley (pianoforte)
Conductor, Harry Pell from the Hippodrome Theatre,
Mark Raphael (baritone): Come away, death. It was a lover and his lass...0 mistress mine. Take, 0 take those lips away. Fear no more the heat of the sun (Quilter)
May Harrison (violin),
Arnold Bax (pianoforte): Sonata No. 1 (Delius)
Mark Raphael (baritone): Go, lovely rose. Cherry Valley. Where be you going? Over the land is April. To Daisies. Song of the Blackbird (Quilter)
(By permission of the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis)
Conducted by Flight-Lieut. J. H. Amers , M.B.E.,
Director of Music
by Lilian Grindrod (pianoforte)
Etudes symphoniques (Symphonic
Studies), Op. 13
Aufschwung (Soaring), Op. 12, No. 2 Warum ? (Why ?), Op. 12, No. 3
(From Manchester)
Schumann composed his ' Etudes symphoniques ' in 1834 when he was twenty-four years of age. These magnificent piano studies are written in the form of a theme and variations. Schumann said : ' I may call them pathetic ; but I have to show in varied lights whatever there may be of the pathetic in theme. ' The theme is by Baron Hauptmann von Fricken, who composed a set of variations on it for flute. The work was sent to Schumann for his criticism and he was greatly impressed with the possibilities of the theme for piano treatment if suitably adapted. In the finale, however, it gives way in importance to the opening melody, which is based on an air from Marschner's Der Templer und die Jiidin sung to the words ' Who is the highly-honoured knight' (referring to Richard Coeur de Lion) and ' Rejoice, proud England ' (a tribute to Sterndale Ben nett, to whom the Etudes are dedicated)
from St. Paul's Cathedral
Order of Service
Psalms lxxiii and lxxiv
Lesson, Deuteronomy xi, 13-end
Magnificat (Plainsong, Causton)
Lesson, Acts xi, 1-18
Nunc Dimittis (Plainsong, Causton)
Anthem, 0 give thanks (Boyce)
0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious : because his mercy endureth for ever
Let Israel now confess that he is gracious: and that his mercy endureth for ever
Hymn, Ye choirs of New Jerusalem
(A. and M. 125)
(The choir will consist of men's voices only)
Directed by John MacArthur
(From Glasgow)
Directed by Henry Hall
including Weather Forecast
Jean Massip
Jean Massip , Editor of Le Petit Parisien, broadcasting in the autumn, explained French politics to British listeners. The unknown quantity he is to discuss today is that part of Paris-by far the greater part-unknown to tourists: old Paris, the life led in the suburbs, provincial Paris -provincial because in every generation people migrate from the French provinces, earn their living in the Capital, invigorate it with fresh thoughts and ideas, and become Parisians. M. Massip himself came to Paris from the south of France where he was born. For the last sixteen years he has lived in London. Many listeners will remember his broadcast talk last month, ' What England has Meant to Me '.
Debussy Programme
Frank Laffitte
Studies, Book I (to the memory of Frederic Chopin )
1 For the ' five fingers ' (after Mr. Czemy). 2 Thirds. 3 Fourths. 4 Sixths. 5 Octaves. 6 For the Eight Fingers
The twelve Etudes for piano were written during the summer of 1915, and are dedicated ' A la Memoire de Frederic Chopin '. Each Study is conceived with the idea of elucidating some special technical problem, such as the playing of passages in thirds, fourths, sixths, chromatic intervals, grace notes, contrasts in tone, etc., yet apart from the educational value of these pieces, as music they are wonderfully attractive and beautifully written.
Listeners will hear the first six
Etudes this evening and the remaining six on Saturday (Regional, 7.30).
Willie Lewis and his Orchestra from Paris
Tonight listeners are to hear for the first time an American coloured orchestra which has long been famous on the Continent. Tall, smiling Willie Lewis might well be called Harlem's ambassador to Europe, for he has been playing on this side of the Atlantic since 1928.
He came over as a saxophonist with Sam Wooding 's orchestra. When that band eventually broke up, Willie formed the nucleus of his present combination. For some time they have been playing at the famous Paris night club, Chez Florence , which they left only a few days ago. Their weekly broadcasts from Paris have been gaining ever-increasing popularity, especially among swing devotees.
Among the coloured stars who have been included in the personnel is Benny Carter , who wrote ' Just a Mood ' as their signature tune. More about the orchestra will be found in this week's Tempo di Jazz ' on page 14.
A Concert in the Town Hall
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
Part 2
Tickets: 2/- to 10/- (including Entertainments Tax) may be obtained from [address removed]. (Telephone, [number removed])
Leader, Montague Brearley
Conducted by Harold Lowe
Mary Jarred (contralto)
by Harold Child (baritone)
Directed by Henry Hall