and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
recorded by Lili Kraus
Valses nobles (Nos. 1-12), Op. 77 Landler, Op. 18
Conducted by Guy Warrack
and summary of today's Home
Service programmes
Recorded by Paul Whiteman 's
The Bells
9.30 Order of Service
Introit: Let my prayer come up
Hymn: Stand up, and bless the Lord
(A. and M. 706 ; Rv. C.H. 233)
Confession and Absolution Lord's Prayer and Versicles Psalm cxi
Lesson: Ezekiel xxxvii, 1-10 Benedictus Creed
Hymn: King of glory, King of peace
(A. and M. 665 ; S.P. 553)
Address by the Rt. Rev. the Lord
Bishop of Lichfield
Hymn: Breathe on me, breath of God (A. and M. 671 ; S.P. 458 ; Rv. C.H. 194)
Organist and Master of the Choristers,
Ambrose P. Porter
Directed by Jack Hardy
(Little Orchestrations by Jack Hardy )
A talk by W. P. Matthew
in a Chopin recital
Impromptu in G flat, Op. 51
Sonata in B flat minor, Op. 35
1 Grave-doppio movimento. 2 Scherzo. 3 Funeral march. 4
(A religious service in Welsh)
Trefn y
Gwasanaeth Emyn : Cyduned yr angylaidd gor
(Llyfr Emynau'r Enwad, 42)
Darllen: rhan olaf Rhufeiniaid viii
Gweddi Emyn : Arglwydd, gad im'dawel orffwys (752)
Pregeth gan y Parch. Jubilee Young
Emyn: Wele'r hafen, wele'r ardal
Y Fendith
Organydd a Chofeistr, Sidney Lewis
A talk by Desmond MacCarthy
Conductor,- Harry Pell
Presented by Leslie Perowne
While it is probably true that nine songs out of ten are love songs, there remains the other tenth to include songs on other subjects. Some of the best songs ever written have been ' social' songs-songs about work, about play, about snobs, and about earning a living.
. Leslie Perowne has been busy getting together some of the best of these songs. Some of them are grave, while others are gay-all of them reflect some aspect or other of social life. On the one hand you will hear Norman Long singing ' The Council schools are good enough for me' and on the other that brilliant little artist Molly Picon singing her ' Song of the Tenement '
' Vegetables for the winter —
June sowing'
C. H. Middleton and H. T. Wilkin
Conducted by T. G. Moore
by W. W. Jacobs
Episode 4—' A Tiger's Skin '
Adapted for radio and produced by Douglas Cleverdon
Whenever something unusual hap pens in Claybury, Bob Pretty has the happy knack of turning it to his own advantage This time it is a report of a tiger that has escaped from a travelling circus
[Programme continued overleaf
Robert Soetens (violfn)
Suzanne Roche (piano)
The Rev. Hugh Martin , Managing Director of the Student Christian
Movement Press
Conductor, Clifford Greenwood
The BBC Chorus
Chorus Master, Leslie Woodgate
Soloists: Margaret Godley (soprano), Joyce Sutton (contralto), Bradbridge White (tenor), Stanley Riley (bass)
Conducted by Sir Adrian Boult
(News in Welsh)
"The Cuckoo Clock"
Adapted as a dialogue story by Honor Wyatt, from the book by Mrs. Molesworth
The cast includes: Gladys Young, Philip Wade, Phoebe Hodgson, Myles Rudge
A programme of melody arranged and presented by Sandy Macpherson at the theatre organ
' Salazar' by Lord Harlech, G.C.M.G.
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Theme— ' Jesus and Ourselves '
1-' Does my life count ? '
Organ Voluntary
8.0 Order of Service
Hymn: Now thank we all our God
(Rv. B.C.H. 11 ; A. and M. 379 ; S.P. 350 ; Rv. C.H. 29)
Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Hymn: How sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer's ear! (Rv. B.C.H. 146; A. and M. 176; S.P. 527 ; Rv. C.H. 419)
Lesson: St. Luke xv, 1-10 Prayer
Hymn: City of God, how broad and far outspread thy walls sublime 1 (Rv. B.C.H. 513 ; S.P. 468 ; Rv. C.H. 209)
Address by the Rev. J. 0. Barrett
Hymn: In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear (Rv. B.C.H. 424 ; Rv. C.H. 442)
Organist and Choirmaster,
Cyril W. Butlin
An appeal oribehalf of the British War Refugees Fund, by the Rt. Hon.
Sir Nevile Henderson , G.C.M.G.
The British War Refugees Fund assists and advises all persons of British nationality who have returned here from enemy and invaded countries, leaving behind their property and means of livelihood. British refugees from the Low Countries are now pouring in. The Fund's object is to help them to re-establish themselves, to find work and to make a home again. Grants are given for training for employment, and for the education of children.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed]
Music from Portugal played by the Claydon Quintet
by Stefan Lorant
The action starts in Germany in 1933 Adaptation and production by Stephen Potter
For six months after his arrest in 1933 Stefan Lorant, then editor of a Munich weekly paper, was subjected to all the rigours of prison life in Nazi Germany. His paper was impartial but not anti-Nazi, and the reasons for his arrest were wholly inexplicable to him.
Tonight you will hear dramatised the story that he told in his successful book ' I was Hitler's prisoner '. Lorant wrote his story with underemphasis rather than over-emphasis, and it was certainly the lack of melodramatics that not only made it a best-seller, but underlined the horrors of German prison life.
with George Melachrino
(All arranged by Fred Hartley )
' A very present help in trouble '
2-' God is my strength '
Psalm cxlvi
Ephesians vi, 10-18
My God, my Father, make me strong
(S.P. 583)
Ephesians iii, 14-17
The BBC Theatre Chorus (trained by Charles Groves)
The BBC Theatre Orchestra
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
Sonata in G minor (1923) for cello and piano played by Florence Hooton (cello) and Kendall Taylor (piano)