The Bells
9.30 Order of Service
Introit: Let my prayer come up
Hymn: Stand up, and bless the Lord
(A. and M. 706 ; Rv. C.H. 233)
Confession and Absolution Lord's Prayer and Versicles Psalm cxi
Lesson: Ezekiel xxxvii, 1-10 Benedictus Creed
Hymn: King of glory, King of peace
(A. and M. 665 ; S.P. 553)
Address by the Rt. Rev. the Lord
Bishop of Lichfield
Hymn: Breathe on me, breath of God (A. and M. 671 ; S.P. 458 ; Rv. C.H. 194)
Organist and Master of the Choristers,
Ambrose P. Porter