Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
Exercises for women : May Brown At the pianos, Andrew Bryson and-Lena Blackman.
Gramophone records of part of the First Symphony of Shostakovich (b. 1906)
Short morning prayers
' Freddy Grisewood Speaking '
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
from a selection of records
plays Suite of ,Four Pieces, Maurice Jacobson
. News commentary
from page 93 of "New Every Morning" and page 32 of "Each Returning Day". Jesu: the very thought of thee; Psalm 100; Father, hear the prayer we offer
11.0 RHYTHM AND MELODY : Percy Young. 5—' Musical Puzzles ' : revision tests and listening-games
11.20 GEOGRAPHY. Recent developments in the British Empire : ' Modern Plantations in Ceylon '
11.40 ENGLISH FOR UNDER-NINES. Serial play : ' The Bean Boy,' adapted from a French tale by Julia Goodey. Part 2
is three years old today, and, with an all-star cast, Bill Gates introduces the first programme in its fourth year. From a factory somewhere in Britain
Conducted by Mr. G. C. Bixley. .. Music in celebration of the 250th anniversary of the Regiment
Regimental Marches : The Royal
Windsor and The Lincolnshire Poacher
Topical magazine programme
2.0 NATURE STUDY : 'Inhabitants of a Tree Trunk,' by A. J. Mee
2.15 I YSGOLION CYMRU (for Welsh schools). ' Hanes Cymru ' : cyfres i blant tua 12 oed. 5—' Gruffydd Jones a Thomas Charles ,' gan Eiluned Bebb
2.35 SENIOR HISTORY II : The changing world. ' New Materials,' by Philip Brown and Joseph Lauwerys : the story of byproducts from coal
Jack Leon and his Orchestra
Warwick Braithwaite introduces gramophone records illustrating some problems of translation
Recording of a programme of marimba music specially produced for the BBC by XEW, one of the most important radio stations in Mexico City. Music played by the Marimba Orchestra of the Dominguez Brothers. Singers: Genaro Salinas (tenor) and Maria Luisa Carvajal (soprano). Programme introduced by Joaquin Gamboa, announcer in the BBC's Latin-American service
with Ronald Frankau , Joan Winters , and Reginald Williams and his Futurists. Produced by Hamilton Kennedy. From the Winter Gardens Pavilion, Westonsuper-Mare
(Studio Service in Welsh). Cymerir y Gweddïau o'r llytr Bob Bore o Newydd '
5.20 ' Fine Feathers ' : a scandal in birdland, reported for youngest listeners by Lyn Joshua , with music by Mai Jones. Produced by Morfudd Mason Lewis
'Wild Animals near my Home ' : talk by Captain M. W. A. Williams
National and Regional announcements
Programme by Army pipe bands.
by Clyde Higgs
Suite : Pelleas and Melisande Violin Concerto played by the BBC Northern Orchestra, conducted by Julius Harrison. Joan Spencer (violin)
25—' Triumph of the "Tin
Kettle "'
Captain Ronald Stuart , V.C., introduces a reconstruction of the voyage of the ' Royal William,' the first steamship to cross the Atlantic. Programme introduced by Norman Wooland. Script by Leslie Baily. Music by Hal Evans , conducted by Charles Groves. Produced by Eric Fawcett
with Horace Percival , Fred Yule , Dorothy Summers , Sydney Keith , Dino Galvani , Bill Stephens ," Diana Morrison , Jean Capra ; singer, Maria Perilli. BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Script and lyrics by Ted Kavanagh. Produced by Francis Worsley
Play for broadcasting by Neil M. Gunn , produced by Moultrie R. Kelsall
Address by the Rev. H.G. Newsham, Morningside Congregational Church, Edinburgh
Selection-not this time confined to the more recently established poets-from the new poems of Walter de la Mare, Robert Graves , F. M. Cornford , Herbert Palmer , Herbert Read , W. J. Turner , and V. Sackville-West.
'Diary of a Young Man who Vanished' sung by Emelie Hooke (soprano) and Peter Pears (tenor), with a chorus of women's voices, and Walter Susskind (piano)
English translation by Iris Holland Rogers
with his Orchestra