Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
Exercises for women : May Brown
Gramophone records of some of his waltzes and polkas
Rev. G. S. Horner
. The Radio Doctor '
with Jan van der Gucht.
Gramophone records
Recorded messages from British children staying as war guests in Australia. Arranged in collaboration with the Australian Broadcasting Commission
at the theatre organ
News commentary
from page 81 of 'New Every Morning' and page 42 of ' Each Returning Day.' I bind unto myself today; Psalm 1; Jesus calls us
Conductor, Leslie Woodgate
11.0 SCOTTISH HERITAGE. CulrOSS ' : the village on the .Firth of Forth, by Alexander Reid
11.20 CURRENT AFFAIRS, discussed by experts
11.40 MUSIC AND THE DANCE, by John Horton : 5-' Syncopation '
Eve Maxwell-Lyte (soprano). Joan Davies (piano)
London and North. War-workers in widely separated factories combine to entertain you and their fellow-workers in the lunch-hour break. Introduced by More O'Ferrall in London, and Victor Smythe in the North
(arranged in collaboration with ENSA). BBC Northern Orchestra, conducted by-George Weldon
From a factory in the North-West
1.50 FOR RURAL SCHOOLS (England). Finding out about Dylsford. ' Pastures New,' by Honor Wyatt
2.10 Interval music
2.15 GENERAL science. Science and the future : 6-A Week-End in the Arctic
2.35 Interval music
2.40 JUNIOR ENGLISH. Poetry programme: 'Rhymes in Verse-Making,' devised by Silvia Goodall
Vernon Adcock and his Dance
with Jean Askew
Play for broadcasting by L. A. G. Strong
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
Play by Peter Cheyney
Both plays produced by Hugh Stewart
Hanes cyfarfodydd yr Eglwys Bresbyteraidd a gynhaliwyd yr wythnos hon yng Nghaerdydd. (Talk in Welsh)
trwy lygaid yr ifanc. Sgwrs gan y Parch. Idwal Jones. (Talk in Welsh)
5.20 ' The Enchanted Ark ' : another adventure of the citizens of Toytown, by S. G. Hulme Beaman
5.55 Children's Hour prayers
National and Regional announcements
Produced by the U.S. Armed Forces Radio Service.
Wyn Griffith , of the Board of Inland Revenue, explains details of the new ' Pay as you Earn ' income-tax scheme in the' series 'Can I Help You ? '
on gramophone records
Operetta with music by Johann Strauss. Radio score by Mark H. Lubbock. Adapted for radio by Henrik Ege . Produced by Stephen Williams. Conductor, Stanford Robinson
BBC Theatre Chorus. BBC Theatre Orchestra.
A picture of the life of British prisoners of war in a German prison-camp. with music composed by themselves. Produced by Douglas Cleverdon
-when dancing really was dancing ! You are invited to roll back the carpet and join in the dance with Harry Davidson and his Orchestra. Master of Ceremonies, Patric Curwen. Management, Douglas Lawrence
' The Painting on the Wall,' by B. L. Jacot , read by Frederick Allen
' Mum.' by Annette Mills , read by Gladys Young.
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
From the Concert Hall, Bournville.
Rt. Hon. Walter Elliot , MP., chooses two passages from the Book of Job
Famous bands playing popular dance tunes, on gramophone records