Milton goes sailing.
Followed by Fimbly Songtime (R) (S)
Then Diddy Dick & Dom (R) (S)
Followed by Newsround
Someone builds a wall to block out the Sun.
Followed by CBeebies Birthdays
A hospital visit.
Karla doesn't want lunch.
10.30 BBC Primary History (ages 7-11)
10.50 BBC Primary Geography (ages 9-12) (S)
Evolution. A computer malfunctions.
More tomorrow at 10.30am Followed by The Witness
Political reports.
Presented by Adam Shaw and Nik Wood.
1.00 Something Special (ages 4-7)
1.20 BBC Primary Geography (ages 7-11)
2/5. The amateur food enthusiasts face their opening night.
A country house and recording studio for a DJ. (R)(S)
Celebrity homes.
The team of experts value antiques in Cambridge. (R)(S)
Chefs Brian Turner and Phil Vickery compete.
Back-stabbing quiz.
Quiz hosted by Dermot Murnaghan.
Griff Rhys Jones is challenged to make sushi, while his sailing buddy cooks up a surprise breakfast involving reindeer, 100-year-old eggs and smoked eel. BBC GOOD FOOD MAGAZINE: the April issue has recipes from the series. Out now, priced £2.95
6/8. Staff at the clinic treat 70-year-old Derek, whose violent nocturnal spasms have led to him sustaining some serious physical injuries.
Shown yesterday at 10.35pm on BBC1
4/4. Air Travel. John Ware examines the Government's pledge to reduce carbon emissions by 60 per cent by 2050, despite having underwritten a huge boost in air travel by allowing most UK airports to expand. Will people soon be expected to make extraordinary energy sacrifices to offset their carbon footprint prior to a weekend break abroad?
Series producer Leo Telling; Exec producer Paul Woolwich
3/9. Prof Regan 's Beauty Parlour. Professor Lesley Regan , one of the UK's most respected medical experts, takes a scientific look at the world of makeup. Having just turned 50, Lesley happily inspects the wrinkles, age spots and broken veins on her own face in order to explore what exactly it is that makes us look old, and whether or not the ageing process can really be slowed down. She examines how cosmetics are tested, including a hair lab which makes its own water and small sea creatures used to measure the effectiveness of some creams, and discovers which cosmetics have the scientific evidence to back up their anti-ageing claims.
Producer/Director Nicola Cook
The three judges and the viewers choose the second pair to leave the competition, with the outgoing dog going up for adoption in a viewer's home.
With Jeremy Paxman.
The third day of the world championships in Melbourne, including the finals of the men's and women's 200m freestyle. More highlights tomorrow at 1120pm.
8/10. Dropping the Dishes. Lisa and Charlie hunt for daughter Allie. The next episode can be seen tomorrow at 12.10am.
Block Party. The family finds that their neighbours throw a party every year when they go away on holiday.
Schools Repeats not indicated.
2.00 All about Me 58916 3.00 Spit Game
3.30 Elephant Boy 88409 4.00 Geography - Global Issues World trade, aid, population and energy