6.25 Images: Lens Design
6.50 Inquiry: Symbolic Deaths
7.15 Roman Architecture and Town Planning
7.40 BART 4: Manufacture
8.5 Modelling by Mathematics
8.30 Alcohols Apart!
8.55 Force and Violence
9.20 Maths: Log, Exp. and 'e'
9.45 Lucas Aerospace Dispute
10.10 Fluid Flow in Pipes
10.35 Geothermal Energy
11.0 Who's Who in the Oceans
11.25 James Bond: 1
11.50 Biology: Only in the Mating Season
12.15 Geology of the Alps: 2
12.40 Spatial Learning and the Hippocampus
1.5 Trading on Uncertainty
1.30 Maths Methods: Numerical Solutions