7.30 Puppet chat show, with Stinky and Jake...
The Tent Stop.
This week, a visit to San Remo, famous for its flowers.
James Goldsmith and Yehudi Menuhin join David Frost.
Including at 8.30 News; plus the weather forecast.
First of two programmes which hear from people who claim to have had some form of mystical experience.
(Rpt) (Stereo)
In the first of a series of five programmes Brian Sibley talks to the parents of Leah Betts, the 18-year-old who died from taking Ecstasy.
Featuringthe launch of Childline Scotland's minicom service for deaf children and a deaf runner taking part in next week's London Marathon. With signing and subtitles.
Repeated Tuesday 12 noon on BBC2
This week, real world graphics applications and developments. Rpt Stereo ....
Behind the Mask. The story ofOba Ovronramwen, absolute ruler in the late
19th century of the independent kingdom of Benin. Last in the series.
Derek Hatton : a Very Different Man. The former deputy leader of Liverpool City
Council recalls his headline-making days. Last in the series. Rpt Stereo
Rural issues with John Craven. Plus, the week's weather at 12.25 pm. Stereo.
John Humphrys puts senior politicians on the spot. Including at 12.30 News.
Omnibus edition.
(Stereo) (Subtitled)
Classic comedy musical starring Doris Day , Howard Keel
Spirited cowgirl Calamity Jane brings a singing starto the Deadwood saloon.
But her new friend turns into a love rival.
Director David Butler (1953, U) Subtitled. ♦See Films: pages 52-57
Return of the BBC's monthly right-of-reply programme examining viewers concerns and complaints, presented by Diana Madill. Viewers can write in with comments to Biteback, [address removed], or telephone [number removed]. E-Mail address: [email address removed]
A chartered surveyor, a radiographer and an architectural consultant are the finalists of the east of England heat. Presented by Loyd Grossman with guests, chef Germain Schwab and television presenter Ulrika Jonsson. Producer Richard Bryan ; Executive producers Bradley Adams and Richard Kalms
COMPETITION: ring [number removed] Premium rate call charges apply. Maximum call duration 90 seconds. For rules send stamped addressed envelope to: [address removed]
+ See Germain Schwab : page 36
With Moira Stuart. Subtitled
Weather Peter Cockroft
Some of the country's leading Christian singers and musicians perform at Holy Trinity Church, Leicester. The songs include Praise God from Whom All
Blessings Flow, The Servant King,
We're All One, More Love More Power and Lead Me Wishing. With Steve Chalke. Producer Roy Francis ; Editor Helen Alexander
Postponed from 24 March Repeated tomorrow at
8.30amonBBC2 Stereo
From Broxbourne, Hertfordshire.
Exhibits include a clock which has hung in the same pub since it was made in 1775, a suit of clothes whose owner fled the French Revolution, a safe in the guise of a miniature walnut cabinet and a painting by one of the "Glasgow Boys". Presented by Hugh Scully.
Producer Michele Burgess ; Executive producer
Christopher Lewis ♦ See Antiques: page 43
Regional Variations (2)
Hamish Macbeth: Radio Lochdubh
Alex's book programme on Lachie's pirate radio station inspires a fever of literary interest. Hamish faces a conflict of loyalties. And tragedy strikes, altering everyone's lives.
Regional Variations (2)
Birds of a Feather: Not in My Backyard
Sharon, Tracey and Dorien draw obvious conclusions when someone moves in next door with children called Harry and Wills, who is guarded by heavies.
With Peter Sissons. Subtitled
Weather Peter Cockroft
Comedy horror starring
Anjelica Huston
Raul Julia
The ghoulish but happy Addams family are tricked out of their fortune when an imposter claims he's their long-lost Uncle Fester.
Director Barry Sonnenfeld (1991, PG)
♦ See Films: pages 52-57
The Legacy of the Killing Fields. It is 12 years since David Puttnam produced the Oscar-winningfilm The Killing Fields which portrayed the savage civil war in Cambodia. In this last programme in the current series, Puttnam goes back to Cambodia to explore the new killingfields created by thousands of unexploded landmines - a legacy left by the warringfactions.
The programme concludes with Joan Bakewell considering the call for a global ban on landmines and asking whether humanitarian law can ever effectively control the use of such weapons.
Series producer Anne Reevell
Courtroom drama starring Donna Mills
The horror Laura and Michael Elias endure when their teenage daughter is raped and murdered is nothing compared with what the killer's trial puts them through. So when the legal system fails, and the young man gets off, Laura seeks justice by taking matters into her own hands.
See Films: pages 52-57 ***