Christopher Bunting (cello)
Peter Wallfisch (piano)
Frederick Sharp (baritone)
Max Rostal (violin)
Gervase de Peyer (clarinet)
Cyril Preedy (piano)
Aeolian String Quartet: Sydney Humphreys (violin)
Trevor Williams (violin)
Watson Forbes (viola) Derek Simpson (cello)
Fantasy, for cello and piano
Four Hungarian Folk Songs, for voice and violin
Lament ; Quarrel between a drunken husband and his wife; Farewell song of a Hungarian; Marching song
Andante Pastorale, for clarinet and piano
String Quartet No. 2
(The quartet is recorded) Third of four programmes of music by Matyas Sciber
A review of cultural and political trends in the U.S.S.R.
Manya Harari speaks about a new Soviet novel describing society in the U.S.S.R. today. It has been enthusiastically welcomed by Soviet youth.
My Country: Six symphonic poems for orchestra
Visehrad; Vltava; Sarka; From Bohemia's woods and fields; Tabor; Blanik
Played by the BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conductor, Sir Malcolm Sargent
by E.F. Gale, Sc.D., F.R.S., Director of the M.R.C. Unit for Chemical Microbiology, Cambridge
A series of six talks
Ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic acids (RNA and DNA) are the agents responsible for the synthesis of proteins in living tissues. The speaker gives an account of the way in which these acids act and describes some ingenious experiments which led to this knowledge.
(To be repeated on February 26)
(Chromosomes and Heredity, by Professor C.D. Darlington, F.R.S: March 1)
Full details of the thirteen programmes in the series are contained in The First Stage, a handbook by John Barton which may be obtained through newsagents and booksellers or post free by crossed postal order for 2s. 6d. from [address removed]
Linden Singers
Director, William Llewellyn
Madrigals: Prendi l'aurata lira; Un dubbio verno; Ardo, si, ma non t'amo; Villanelle: Matona mia cara; O la che buon eccho
Prophetiae Sibyllarum: Carmina chromatico: No. 1, Virgine matre satus (Sibylla Persica); No. 3. Non tarde veniet (Sibylla Delphica); No. 12. Summus erit sub came (Sibylla Agrippa)
Lieder: Ich weiss mir ein Maidlein; Schaff' mir doch recht
Chansons: Quand mon marl vient de dehors; La nuict froide et sombre; Gallans qui par terre; Ores que je suis dispos
Second of three programmes
Preludes, Op. 103 played by Margaret Good (piano)