Dorothea Braus (piano)
BBC Scottish Orchestra (Leader, J. Mouland Begbie)
Conducted by Walter Goehr
Talk by D.W. Brogan, Professor of Political Science in the University of Cambridge.
In a recent talk David Butler examined the history of Left-wing attitudes to America. In this talk Professor Brogan reflects on the origins of recent Right-wing attitudes to the United States.
Schola Polyphonica
Director, Henry Washington
Salve Regina, for four voices
Psalmus Poenitentialis VII: Domine exaudi; Jubilate Deo; Lectio IX; Quare de vulva (Sacrae Lectiones novem ex Propheta Job); Quem vidistis pastores
From Brompton Oratory, London
The first of three programmes of music by Lassus
A comparison by John Brough, Professor of Sanskrit in the University of London and A.J. Ayer, Professor of Philosophy in the University of London
In this conversation Professor Brough describes and Professor Ayer examines certain Sanskrit forms of statement.
Schubler Chorale Prelude, played by Helmut Walcha on the organ of St. Jakobikirche, Lubeck on gramophone records
Followed by an interlude at 9.0
The Deadly Sins of Sloth, Envy, and Anger.
(Monday's recorded broadcast)
Nancy Evans (contralto), Richard Adeney (flute), Cecil Aronowitz (viola), Terence Weil (cello)
Talk by Norman Nicholson
Hymns as Poetry is the title of a recently published anthology compiled by Tom Ingram and Douglas Newton. Mr. Nicholson, in reviewing the book, illustrates some of the ways in which poets have tackled the writing of hymns.
(The recorded broadcast of Dec. 8)