A talk on Schopenhauer's theory of artistic perception by Patrick Gardiner, Fellow of St. Antony's College, Oxford.
(The recorded broadcast of October 8)
Amici String Quartet:
Lionel Bentley (violin)
Marta Eitler (violin)
Harold Harriott (viola)
Joy Hall (cello)
T.E. Utley cross-questions Anthony Wedgwood Benn, M.P. on his recently published proposal that 'the Privy Council fulfils all the conditions required of the second chamber' and should be so constituted, to replace the House of Lords.
by William Langland
A series of six readings
Devised by Elizabeth Zeeman
Read by Gary Watson in a slightly modified version of the original.
(Sunday's recorded broadcast)
Followed by an interlude at 8.30
BBC Midland Chorus
Conducted by Meredith Davies
Ave regina coelorum
Lamentatio primar tertii dei (Lamentations of Jeremiah)
Cantiones duarum vocum: No 1, Beat us vir; No. 11, Fulgebunt justi
Magnificat septimi tont Adoramus te
Hodie apparuit
Lagrime di San Pietro: No. 10, Come falda; No. 17, Ah quanti gia felici; No. 21. Vide homo
Last of three programmes of music by Lassus
by Moliere
A broadcast performance in French of the Jean-Louis Barrault production.
Produced for radio by J. Weltman
Bronwen Jones (piano)