Gordon Watson (piano)
Talk by Christopher Lloyd
The speaker, who has made a special study of Captain Cook and his voyages, describes how the attitude of Europe to primitive peoples was affected by the reports brought back by Cook and Bougainville from their voyages of discovery, and he illustrates the rise and fall of the myth of the Noble Savage.
Drei Melodien
Trennungslied (K.V. 619)
Als Luise die Briefe (K.V. 520) Abendempfindung (K.V. 523) sung by Maria Stader (soprano) with Jean-Marc Pasche (piano)
Katharine Goodson talks about Theodor Leschetizky , who was her teacher
'The Golden Ball'
'Sheila, Manus, and the Buck Goat' ' The White Bird of the Lowlands'
Told by Francis McAleer of Co. Tyrone
Ena Mitchell (soprano) Adrienne Cole (soprano)
Constance Shacklock (contralto)
William McAlpine (tenor) Gordon Clinton (baritone)
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master. Leslie Woodgate )
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conductor, Sir Malcolm Sargent
Part 1
This is the thirteenth of a series of programmes of choral works by Haydn. On March I and 3 the St. Nicholas Mass will be broadcast, and the series will end in Easter Week with a performance of ' The Seven Last Words from the Cross.'
Talk by Ian Henderson
Professor of Systematic Theology in the University of Glasgow
In this talk Professor Henderson reviews the first volume of Rudolf Bultmann's ' Theology of the New Testament,' recently published in English. There has been much speculation as to whether Buhmann's work on the New Testament, which proved so helpful to German chaplains during the Second World War, is in effect a revival of the old liberalism of fifty years ago, and the appearance in English of his major work will help many people to decade this question. Professor Henderson, who has already written a book with the title of this talk, maintains that Bultmann has gone considerably beyond the position of the liberals in his interpretation of the myth in which the New Testament message is enshrined.
Part 2
by Arnold Toynbee
4-The Far East
In this talk Professor Toynbee speaks about the way in which Far Eastern peoples have reacted to different presentations of Western civilisation in different ages. In his view it was easier for them to accept a strange Western technology tn the nineteenth and twentieth centuries than to accept a strange Western religion in the sixteenth ceotury.
Sextet, Op. 55 played by Jack Brymer (clarinet)
David Martin (violin) Eileen Grainger (viola)
Bernard Richards (cello)
Eugene Cruft (double-bass)
Wilfrid Parry (piano)
Robert Graves introduces and reads a selection from his own poetry