Danse sacree et danse profane
(Debussy): Phia Berghout (harp), with the Chamber Music Society of Amsterdam, conducted by Eduard van Beinuio
Rapsodie espagnole: Prelude A la nuit. Malaguefla. Habanera, Feria (Ravel): Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam, conducted by Eduard van Beinum on gramophone records
The Present State of the Theatre
Talk by Louis Kronenberger
A survey of the life and work of Henry VIII's
Master of the Chapel Royal
Written and produced by Douglas Cleverdon with The Deller Consort
The Schola Polyphonica
Director, Henry Washington The London Consort of Viols and Frank Duncan , James McKechnie
-Norman Shelley
Music transcribed and edited by Frank Harrison
The versatility of musicians attached to the court of Henry VIII is well illustrated in the character of William Cornyshe. His music was equally well known in both ohuroh and theatre, and copies of his motots even penetrated to Scotland. As poet and dramatist Cornyshe was capable though at times indiscreet: one sharply pointed satire caused his temporary imprisonment. D. S.
' The Physical Evidence '
First of two talks by Leon Rosenfeld
Professor of Theoretical Physics in the University of Manchester
In this talk Professor Rosenfeld explains how a new synthesis has taken the place of the dualism of matter and energy which was the characteristic of nineteenth-century physics. He describes in some dotail the much discussed and misunderstood ' uncertainty relations,' and speaks of Niels Bohr's concept of complementarity and the relation of determinism to complementarity.
Richard Lewis (tenor)
Ernest Lush (accompanist)
Max Salpeter (violin) Cyril Preedy (piano)
by William Shakespeare
Adapted for radio and produced by Peter Watts
Toccata, Adagio, and Fugue in C Prelude and Fugue in E minor
(The Wedge) played by Harold Darke (organ)
From St. Michael's,
Cornhill, London
Talk by Derrick Sington
Since the war Mr. Sington has spent two periods of a year or more in the countries of South-East Asia and has thus been able to follow their political development closely. In Burma he sees the emergence of a new alignment of political forces at present unique in South-East Asia. 'In fact,' he says, 'Socialist Nationalism is already the correct term to use to describe the political leadership in Burma.'