by J. S. Kennedy , Ph.D.
According to Dr. Kennedy, locusts were the first recorded migrants. They are the most dreaded and therefore the most studied. In this talk he explains how special attention to the locust may throw light on some general problems of migration.
(The recorded broadcast of Feb. 1)
Edward Walker (flute) Lionel Bentley (violin) Eileen Grainger (viola)
Osian Ellis (harp)
by Father M. C. D'Arcy, S.J .
In this account of what he saw on a visit to Japan earlier this year Father D'Arcy mainly dwells upon the extent to which tradition has been superseded by experiment and the demand for progress.
Nancy Evans (contralto)
Frans Vroons (tenor)
London Philharmonic Orchestra
(Leader, Joseph Shadwick )
Conductor, Basil Cameron
From the Royal Albert Hall , London
Tickets may be obtained from the Royal Albert Hall or usual agents
Illustrated talk by Max Rostal
Francesco Gemini ani 's famous violin method first appeared in 1751. A facsimile of -this first edition has recently been published.
by Patric Dickinson with music composed by James Bernard and conducted by John Hollingsworth
Produced by Val Gielgud
La Bonne Chanson
Une sainte en son auréole; Puisque I'aube grandit; La lune blanche luit dans les bois; J'allais par des chemins perfides: J'ai presque peur. en vérité: Avant que tu ne t'en allies; Done. ce sera par un ciair jour d'ete; N'est-ce pas?; L'hiver a cesse sung by Flora Nielsen (mezzo-soprano) with Ernest Lush (piano)
by W.H. Auden
During his recent visit to this country Mr Auden made an extempore recording describing some of the problems he had to solve in converting Hogarth's famous series of paintings into a libretto for Stravinsky's opera.
Schola Polyphonica
Director, Henry Washington