from page 53 of ' New Every Morning '
by Beatrix Marr
French for Sixth Forms
'Le Roi Soleil'
at the Organ of the Classic Cinema, Belfast
A further selection of dance tunes, some old, some new arranged by James Moody
The Singers :
Anna Meakin
Jack McCafferty
The Players :
George Allsopp (guitar)
James Moody (piano)
(From Northern Ireland)
Beatrice Hewitt
Lilian Niblette
(From Midland)
on gramophone records
by Leo Tolstoy
'The conclusion of the whole matter '
A serial reading by Eric Gillett
Tolstoy had worked for more than six years on ' War and Peace '. He had to make a deep study of the official historians of the Napoleonic wars, and the more he read them the less understanding he felt they had of human character and human history. Here are some of his reflections on these matters, which form the background on which Tolstoy painted all the astonishingly vivid characters of his novel.
World History
' The Caravan Road '
Jn the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the trading route between Orient and Occident was opened up, and an increasing number of merchants from Europe travelled to the Far East to bring back with them the spices, silks, and cloths of that part of the world.
Today's broadcast will tell the story of a famous French prior, William of Rubruck, who in the thirteenth century journeyed rive thousand miles to visit the great Kahn of the Mongols. You will hear about the roads he travelled, about the sort of people he met on his journey, and about some of the adventures that he had on the way.
2.25'Ar Interval Music
2.30 Biology in the Service of Man
' Why Animals Play '
H. MuNRo Fox, F.R.S.
In his talk this afternoon Professor Munro Fox will examine the reasons for play among various animals, and will endeavour to answer the questions of how much this is a matter of enjoyment and how much one of mere surplus energy. Lambs, kids, and foals gambol and frisk with energy, and, incidentally, practise the use of their limbs. The play of cubs. puppies, and kittens teaches them the arts of hunting, tracking, and fighting. Other young creatures rely more upon instinct than exercise to develop the traits that will stand them in good stead when they are fully grown.
Professor Munro Fox will also refer to the more intelligent types of animals, such as chimpanzees, which can invent games of their own.
(From Midland)
Schubert or Gershwin ?
Berlin or Brahms ? played by The BBC Northern Ireland
Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conducted by Arnold Perry and James Moody's Dance Band
songs at the piano
from St. Paul's Cathedral
Order of Service
Psalms xli-xliii
Lesson, Exodus viii, 1-19
Magnificat (D. Purcell in E minor) Lesson, Colossians iv, 2-18
Nunc Dimittis (D. Purcell in E minor)
Anthem, By the waters of Babylon
(Boyce) (words, Psalm cxxxvii, 1-8)
Hymn, 0 help us. Lord (A. and M.
(by permission of the Savoy Hotel, Ltd.)
with Al Bowlly, Cyril Grantham, Eve Becke, The Top Hatters
including Weather Forecast
'Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries'
E. D. O'Brien
Music composed during a visit to
England played by Irene Kohler (pianoforte)
Irene Kohler , who is also to give the third and last broadcast in this series tomorrow, won an open scholarship to the Royal College of Music at the age of sixteen, and studied there for five years under Arthur Benjamin. She then won a travelling scholarship and studied in Vienna under Eduard Steuermann. Her first professional concert, which was broadcast, was at Bournemouth under Sir Dan Godfrey.
Though it has been supposed by many that Irene Kohler is foreign, she was bom at Walthamctow of English parents. She has played at three Proms and made her London debut on August 11, 1934, on the first night of Sir Henry Wood 's fortieth season. She has broadcast such notable works as Hindemith's Konzertmusik, with the composer conducting, and the complete Iberia of Albeniz (in Foundations of Music). Two years ago she was the only woman to take part in the BBC piano test. ' It was great fun ', she says. ' I played the Ravel Toccata fifty times in five days!
F. H. Grisewood brings to the microphone
People in the news
People talking about the news
Interesting visitors to England and Lord Elton in his weekly talk,
' Since Last Wednesday '
Season 1938-9
Last Concert of the Series from Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. ChappellandCo. Ltd
The BBC Women's Chorus
(Chorus Master, Leslie Woodgate )
The BBC Symphony Orchestra
Leader, Paul Beard
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
' Heroic Symphony, composed to celebrate the memory of a great man, dedicated to His Most Serene Highness the Prince of Lobkowitz by Ludwig van Beethoven (Op. 55, No. 3).' So runs the Italian title of Beethoven's Symphony No. 3, in E flat. The great man' was Napoleon, to whom the work was originally dedicated, for in 1803 Napoleon was known only as an altruist and the saviour of his country. But later, when Napoleon appeared as tyrant and self-seeker, Beethoven tore up the cover with its dedication and substituted a fresh one to Prince Lobkowitz. Nevertheless, whatever psychological ideas were behind the conception of this symphony, from a purely musical point of view it remains one of the masterpieces of symphonic music.
Tickets may be obtained from [address removed], and usual agents.
Prices : 10/- to 2/-
' La Satire d'Anatole France '
Maurice Thiery
will play for dancing from the Astoria Dance Salon
Swing Time
The Rise of Fletcher Henderson
Presented by John Davis , Jnr.