from page 93 of 'New Every Morning'
Arthur de Greef (pianoforte):
Ariette, To the Spring, Feuille d'album (Album Leaf), and Papillon (Butterfly) (Grieg)
Joseph Hislop (tenor): Herding
Song (arr. Laicson). Eriskay Love Lilt (arr. Kennedy-Fraser)
Lauri Kennedy (violoncello): Old
Scotch Melody (arr. Kennedy). Hungarian Rhapsody (Popper)
Dino Borgioli (tenor): Do not go, my love (Hagemann). 0 del mio amato ben (0 my beloved) (Donaudy)
William Murdoch (pianoforte):
Prelude in G minor (Rachmaninoff). Norwegian Bridal Procession (Grieg)
at the Organ of the Trocadero
Cinema, Elephant and Castle
of madrigals and part songs by various composers
The BBC Scottish Singers
Conducted by Ian Whyte
(From Scottish)
Two in Tempo
(From Midland)
on gramophone records
by Leo Tolstoy
6, Pierre fights a duel and loses his wife
A serial reading by Eric Gillett
Moscow society has given Prince Andrew up for dead, but Nicholas Rostov has come home safely. Meantime things are not going too well with Pierre and his wife Ellen.
(From Northern Ireland)
January Number
(A recording of the programme broadcast in the Midland programme on Monday evening)
National Military Band: March,
Liberty Bell (Sousa). March, Lynwood ; March, Prairie Flower (Hume)
Royal Air Force Band, conducted by Flight-Lt. J. H. Amers: In a Persian Market ; Bells across the Meadow (Ketelbey). A Hunt in the Black Forest (Voelker)
BBC Military Band, conducted by B. Walton O'Donnell : Overture, Vanity Fair (Fletcher). Radetzky March (Johann Strauss )
(From Midland)
from St. Paul's Cathedral
Order of Service
Psalms xciii-xciv
Lesson, Micah iv, 1-13, v, 1
Magnificat (Wesley in F; Chant
Lesson, I Corinthians, iii
Nunc Dimittis (Wesley in F; Chant
Anthem, The heavens declare (Boyce)
(words, Psalm xix, 1)
Hymn, Jesus shall reign (A. and M.
(The choir will consist of Men's voices only)
of songs and dances by Argentine artists
including Weather Forecast
at the BBC Theatre Organ
Devised and presented by Bill Williamson
with Ronnie Hill and Isabelle McEwan
Bill Williamson and his Radio Music
Song of Songs; There's a Moon on the Mountain; Mill in the Forest; Siberian Sleigh Ride; Drink to me only; Hornpipe Swing; Ma Curly-Headed Babby; Honey chile; Summertime; Tiptoes Selection
Sung by Stanley Pope (baritone)
The Wanderer's Song/Memory Island...... Julius Harrison
A Vagabond Song...... Head
Down the Hwai/The Hedge of Briar...... Bantock
Julia/Sleep...... Parry
A radio magazine introduced by F. H. Grisewood
Season 1938-9
Tenth Concert from Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co. Ltd.)
Isobel Baillie (soprano)
Margaret Balfour (contralto)
Parry Jones (tenor)
Harold Williams (baritone)
The BBC Choral Society
Chorus Master, Leslie Woodgate
The BBC Symphony Orchestra
Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by BRUNO WALTER
A note on ' Song of Destiny' trill be found on page 8
Tickets may be obtained from [address removed], and the usual Agents. Prices : 10s. to 2s.
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
1 Allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso. 2 Scherzo: Molto vivace-Trio: Presto. 3 Adagio molto e cantabile. 4 Finale: Presto-Allegro assai-Presto-Allegro assai vivace: Alia marcia—Andante maestoso-Allegro energico, sempre ben marcato-Allegro ma non tanto-Prestissimo-Maestoso-Prestissimo
Beethoven's Ninth and last Symphony, first performed on May 7, 1824, marks the final stage in his conversion of the classical symphony into something entirely new, turning it from a mere pattern of beautiful sounds into a world of thought and emotion.
He was so anxious to make the meaning of his symphony clear that he introduced in the finale vocal soloists and a chorus singing Schiller's ode ' To Joy'-really an ode to freedom, which had to be lightly disguised for political reasons.
Splendid as this finale is, critics have from time to time found fault with this or that detail of it. But no one has yet dared to suggest that the first three movements do not show Beethoven at the supreme height of his genius.
from the Royal Bath Hotel Ballroom,
Listen to
Oliver Wakefield the Voice of Inexperience
Tollefsen the Wizard of the Accordion
Robert Wilson the Scottish tenor
Jack Train compere
The Gerard Singers the famous vocal quartet and dance to
Benny Loban and his Dance Band
Robert de Saint Jean
(From Paris)
This is the first of a new series of regular monthly broadcasts from Paris in which the speaker will review recent developments in domestic and foreign politics, and keep listeners in touch with what is happening in the French capital.
Robert de SaintJean was until recently in London as correspondent of the Paris Soir, and now works in Paris as their special foreign correspondent.
will play for dancing from the May Fair Hotel
Gramophone records of Fred Elizalde
Presented by Barbara Williams