The Jack Emblow Sextet
Forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (3)
Round Dozen: records.
As North
(Leader, Jack Nugent)
Conductor, Jack Leon
' Towards Wisdom '
Talk by the Rev. Horace Uprichard
Forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Patients' requests played by Dudley Savage (cinema organ).
Answers to this week's questions from listeners about household problems
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
(Leader, James Hutcheon )
Conductor, Gerald Gentry
by Gilbert Lennox
The wild tribes to the north of Burma believe that their chiefs have the Power of the Evil Eye-the power to put a curse on a person merely by staring at him. Colonel Lennox, in charge of a survey party in the area, found himself in a dangerous situation where the only way out was to claim that he too had the Power. When challenged to demonstrate it he found, to his dismay, that it worked-or did it?
Iris Kells (soprano) Ernest Lush (piano)
Bernard Roberts (piano)
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT i, by Marjorie Eele
With joy we meditate the grace (BBC
H.B. 134)
New Every Morning, page 41 Psalm 32 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Mark 10, vv. 46-52
My God, mv Father, make me strong
(BBC H.B. 357)
Falkman and his Apache Band
RHYTHM AND MELODY, by Gladys Whitred
11.20 GEOGRAPHY. Europe. The Valley of the River Seine. Script by Max Bellancourt.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN: "Clemens Brentano ': wir begleilen den Dichter auf einer seiner Wanderfahrten und horen, wie er die Sage von der ' Lore Lay' erfand. Manuskript von Rolf Richards.
Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
from a works' canteen in Doncaster
Stan Stennett , John Hanson
Jack Watson
The Barry Sisters
The Harry Hayward Trio
Introduced by Randal Herley
Produced by James Casey
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (3)
As North
The Week Ahead.
Regional Variations (2)
A Living from the Land.
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Guest artist:
John Kentish (tenor)
Introduced by Ivan Samson
Master of Ceremonies. Bill Groves
Producer, Eric Arden
ADVENTURES IN ENGLISH. Teller of Tales: a short biography of Robert Louis Stevenson. Script by Margaret J. Miller
2.20 HISTORY i. The Black Death. Script by R. J. White
2.40 SCIENCE AND THE COMMUNITY. Science and the Doctor. 11—Isotopes and Medicine.
Regional Variations (3)
I Prescribe: patients' record requests
Interlude on records.
Cedric Wallis plays records of famous singers of the 1920s, including, this week, Rosa Ponselle and Giovanni Martinelli
A new play for broadcasting by James Forsyth Pianist.
Arthur Dulay
Drummer, Christopher Blades
Production by Donald McWhinnie
For Children of Most Ages
'Sir Peace-of-the-Foreat'
A Mouse-deer story written by S. C. George and told by Herbert Smith
'Tinker and Tapp, Inc.' A general knock-up' with Fred Fairclough on one side
Herbert Smith on the other and Doris Gambell in the middle
Script by Muriel Levy
Incidental music by Ray Martin played by a section of the BBC Northern Dance Orchestra
Produced by Trevor Hill
5.30 For Older Children
Railway Quiz
North v. South
A team of railway enthusiasts in Newcastle challenges a team in London
Harry Underwood in Newcastle
Derek Barrie in London
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. sport.
News. sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport
A programme for listeners in the South-East of England
6.15 Local news followed by Reports and comments
6.37 app. London Stock Market report
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh choral singing.
A fantasy for two pianos by Rawiez and Landauer
This week:
Music of the Seasons
Production by Johnnie Stewart
Regional Variations (5)
Farm Forum.
Ulster Farm.
Byd Natur: Naturalists' Brains Trust.
Carole Carr and Harry Engleman and his Orchestra.
Review of the Month
Report and comment on ti events of the month in the world of science and technology including
The Night Sky in April by J. G. Porter , Ph.D., F.R.A.S.
Regional Variations (5)
' The Battle of Life play by David Willmott from the story by Charles Dickens.
Making Modern Man Whole. 7-Divine Healing: The Rev. F. A. Smith of Alexandria.
Dorothy Parfltt (soprano); Una Bradbury (piano); Manchester Wind Ensemble: Thuille; Sibelius; Poulenc
Music by J. Owen Jones: soloists: BBC Welsh Chorus; BBC Welsh Orchestra.
Jack Brymer (clarinet)
Aeolian String Quartet: Sydney Humphreys (violin)
Trevor Williams (violin)
Watson Forbes (viola) Derek Simpson (cello)
Before an invited audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House, London. Tickets may be obtained from Ticket Unit, Broadcasting House, London, W.l
This is the first broadcast performance of Moeran's String Quartet in E flat. The autograph score was found recently among the composer's manuscripts.
with Peter Sellers
Harry Secombe , Spike Milligan
The Ray Ellington Quartet
Max Geldray
Orchestra conducted by Wally Stott
Announcer, Wallace Greenslade
Script by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens
Production by Pat Dixon
Regional Variations (3)
The Fifty-One Society: Guest speaker, Barbara Wootton. Subject for discussion: Wage Policy -its Ethics and Economics.
As North
A monthly programme in which radio is used to link speakers in London and other world centres to exchange views on important issues of common interest
Chairman in London,
Robert McKenzie
As most of these issues are topical they, and the names of the speakers. will be announced shortly before each broadcast
Regional Variations (4)
Darts: finals of the News of the World Darts Championships.
The Southampton Singers: Geoffrey Tristram (organ).
Play in Gaelic by W. D. Cocker.
BBC Midland Orchestra (Leader, James Hutcheon )
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
Regional Variations (2)
' Revisited Waters poem by Vernon Watkins for Repton School on its fourth centenary.
Four talks for Lent
2-Man's Coming of Age
Ronald Gregor Smith
Professor of Divinity in the University of Glasgow
in this series Professor Gregor Smith speaks about the plight of Man in the modern world and how the Christian gospel demands of him a responsible decision.
late weather forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Ere I Sleep: prayers.
London Stock Market closing report. and a review of today's overseas commodity and financial news