Gramophone records
Forecast for land areas
and his Orchestre Moderne
Speaking in Pictures by the Rev. William Evans
(Wil Ifan)
1-Living in a bigger world
Forecast for land areas
Masters of Melody
Directed by Alec Firman
by Alistair Cooke
A programme for Dominion Day by Canadian artists
Belva Boroditsky (soprano)
Maurice Loban (viola)
Gordon McLean (piano)
The son of God goes forth to war
(BBC H.E. 235)
New Every Morning, page 99 Psalm 46 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 15. v. 36, to 16, v. 5
Soldiers, who are Christ's below
(BBC H.B. 337)
Strings in Rhythm
Directed by Henry Croudson
Singing Together
by William Appleby
Request Programme
11.20 The World of Work: Looking Ahead
A talk by J. Wale Smith, Principal Youth Employment Officer, L.C.C.
11.40 Intermediate French: Quatorze juillet
Texte d'Emile Harven
Dans toute la France le quatorze juillet est une journee de festivites. Avec Madame Bain, Gaby, et Jean-Pierre, qui sont en vacances au bord de la mer, nous allons assister a ce jour de fete en Bretagne.
BBC Revue Orchestra (Leader, Antony Gilbert )
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
The Petersen Brothers
Frankie Burns
Diane Dubarry
Michael Howard
Humphrey Lyttelton and his Band
Presented by Bill Worstey
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
MUSIC BOX, by Gordon Reynolds
BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader. Reginald Stead )
Conductor, John Hopkins
Introduced by John Hopkins
2.30 this JACKSONS. Fenton Flower Show. Script by Philippa Pearce.
2.50 PROSE AND VERSE READINGS. Summer Holidays from 'A London Child of the Seventies ' by M. Vivian Hughes
The Lawn Tennis Championships
Latest results and commentary by Rex Alston and Max Robertson , with summaries and comments by Alf Chave
From the All England Club
A programme in honour of Canada's ninetieth birthday
Popular songs of Quebec sung by Les Disciples de Massenet conducted by Charles Goulet
Songs of the Maritime Provinces
(New Brunswick, Nova Scotia. Prince
Edward Island , and Newfoundland)
A fantasia for orchestra by Kelsey Jones played by the CBC Montreal Orchestra under the direction of Neil Chotem
The Lawn Tennis Championships
Further commentary and latest results
For Children of Most Ages
' Colin and the Five Adventures
A serial play insixepisodes by Allan MacKinnon
3—' The Eagle's Nest'
Produced by Kathleen Garscadden
5.30 For Older Children
Now Showing in London
A review by Eric Gillett of some of the new films and plays
5.50 The week's programmes
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
including a special report on the Championships at Wimbledon
Records of Edmund Hockridge , one of Canada's best-known artists in this country
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, William Armon )
Conductor, Vilem Tausky
Produced by Michael Whewell
Before an invited audience in the Camden Theatre, London
Bill Kerr with a few observations
George Eskdale the distinguished trumpeter
' in ' Music Page '
Larry Forrester
Presenting a real-life feature
' Chance in a Million '
Michael Flanders and Donald Swann
The men of the moment
Eric Barker with Pearl Hackney
' Carrying On '
The Bill Shepherd Singers
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Produced by Pat Dixon
See top of page
followed by late weather forecast for land areas