Foden's Motor Works Band
Conductor, Rex Mortimer
Forecast for land areas
Directed by Lionel Falkman
Speaking in Pictures by the Rev. William Evans
(Wil If an) 3-The Joy of Winning
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news
Compiled by Louise Davies
BBC Concert Orchestra
Conducted by John Hollingsworth
by Stewart Wavell
The speaker tells of his recent journey into the Malayan jungle in search of a prehistoric monster. His talk is illustrated by two recordings he made there.
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. The Founding of Alexandria (332 B.C.). Script by Rhoda Power.
0 worship the Lord (BBC H.B. 267) New Every Morning, page 1 Psalm 63 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 16, vv. 19-40
God moves in a mysterious way (BBC
H.B. 8)
Ronnie Pleydell and his Orchestra
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Reports from Britain and overseas
The British Open Championship
Tom Scott reports on the morning's play at St. Andrews
LET'S JOIN IN. ' Noah's Ark': a rhyming version of the story of Noah's Ark by Trevor Blakemore , set to music by Ann Driver.
2.20 ADVENTURES IN MUSIC. ' St. Nicholas ': second of two illustrated talks by John Hosier on Benjamin Britten 's Cantata.
2.40 HISTORY ii. Round the World. Script by Mervyn Jones
The Championships at Wimbledon
Latest results and commentary by Raymond Glendenning and Max Robertson , with summaries and comments by Alf Chave
From the All England Club
Henley Royal Regatta
Commentary by John Hinde and John Snagge
The British Open Championship
Tom Scott reports from St. Andrews
from Hampstead Parish Church
Versicles and Responses (Smith) Psalm 18
First Lesson: Job 33, v. 23 to end Magnificat (Stanford in A)
Second Lesson: St. Mark 9, vv. 30-37 Nunc dimittis (Stanford in A) Creed, Responses, Collects
Anthem: Sing joyfully (John Mundy ) Prayers and Grace
Organist and Choirmaster:
Martindale Sidwell
The Championships at Wimbledon
Further commentary and latest results
Henley Royal Regatta
Further commentary
The British Open Championship
Further report
For Older Listeners
'The Bluenose Pirate' by Captain Frank Knight adapted as a serial in four parts by Nan Macdonald
3 - 'The Truth about Billy Batt'
Production by Herbert Smith
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
Conducted by the Very Rev. Eryl S. Thomas, Dean of Llandaff
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Leon Goossens (oboe)
Haydn Orchestra
(Leader, Leonard Friedman )
Conductor, Harry Newstone
followed by late weather forecast for land areas