6.40 Telecommunications Networks
7.05 Maths: Inverse Functions
7.30 Geology: Mapping in the Yorkshire Dales
7.55 Changing Britain: Made in Dundee
8.20 A Tropical Rainforest
8.45 The Telephone - Birth of a Technology
9.10 Asian Families, Western Culture
9.35 A Macroscopic Viewpoint
10.00 Henry IV Parts I and II: A Workshop
10.25 Environment: Forest Futures
11.15 Under the Walnut Tree
11.40 The Effective Manager
12.05 Copernicus and His World
12.30 Living Choices: New Dimensions
12.55 Managing in Organisations
1.20 Mental Handicap: Gwen - A Working Life
1.45 Going to School in Japan
2.10 Religion in a Hindu Village