9.38 Discovering Science: Water and Life
Introduced by Michael Underwood
10.0 Merry-go-Round: Sounds and Pictures
Introduced by Brian Cant
10.25-10.45 Science Extra: Biology: Signs and Signals
Social behaviour among animals is set off by certain signals. Can we find any such signals among humans? Why do we smile when introduced to strangers?
With Valerie Colgan, Peter Welch
11.0-11.20 British Social History: The Swinging Sixties
11.30-11.55 New Horizons: A Matter of Degree?: 5: Present Discontents
This programme looks at some of the reasons for the much publicised 'student revolution.'
12.5 Engineering: Craft and Science: Unit 5: Joining Metal: 10: Weldability
Introduced by D.R.C. Holmes