Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Goraidh den bheachd g’ eil rudeigin air tuiteam às na speuran – ach dè th' ann? Goraidh thinks that something has fallen from the sky, but what can it be? Show more
Tha an teàghlach Pìc a' toirt fàilte bhlàth chun an sù do dh’ ullaid an-diugh. The Pìc family give a warm welcome to a barn owl at the zoo. Show more
Tha AH-AH cho acrach ‘s gu bheil a stamag ri rùchdail!
AH-AH is so hungry that his stomach is rumbling! Show more
Tha Pip airson Cuirm a’ Gheamhraidh a chur air dòigh – cuirm a tha làn dealraidh! Pip wants to organise a winter show, one which is full of sparkle! Show more
It is Boris’ birthday and Rita & Crocodile are invited to his party. Show more
Tha Linda a’ tadhal air Meaban is Moo gus dùbhlan a chur romhpa. An-diugh feumaidh iad paidhrichean a lorg. Linda visits Meaban and Moo with a challenge to find pairs. Show more
Eoghan Dòmhnallach a’ leughadh Siorcaidh NicSiorc agus a’ Chrùbag Bheag Bhìodach. Eoghan MacDonald reads Siorcaidh NicSiorc agus a’ Chrùbag Bheag Bhìodach. Show more
Tha Marisa ag aideachadh nach dèan I snàmh. Matilda confesses she can't swim, but Charlie doesn't believe her. Show more
Saoil dè bheir na balaich dhuinn an-diugh? What kind of performance can we expect today?
The CBBC ALBA team visit Pollok Park to find out about witchcraft allegations made in the 17th century. Show more
Tha Troig airson sealltainn dhan Rìgh beagan eòlais air spòrs Gumbail! Troig would like to show the king a little Gumbal fun! Show more
Tha iad a’ cleachdadh ùird annasach ‘s iad ri tilgeil an ùird an-diugh. They’re using unusual hammers today as they toss the hammer
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Tha na mèirlich air Proifeasair Calcalas a thoirt am bruid, ach cha ghèill Tintin 's Adag. The thieves capture Professor Calcalas, but Tintin and Adag won't stop until he is found. Show more
A' toirt sùil air Taighean-Sholais air feadh Alba. A series looking at Scotland's lighthouses.
Joy Dunlop a’ leantainn oirre gar toirt tro thuilleadh cheumannan gus Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn. Joy Dunlop continues to guide us through further steps to speak Gaelic. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
The story behind one of Runrig’s best known tracks, 'The Cutter'. Seonaidh Morrison, from the Isle of North Uist, is reunited with the songwriters who celebrated him in words. Show more
Tha Erica Mhoireasdan a’ dol air turas dealbhachaidh chruthachail tron Ghàidhealtachd ‘s na h-Eileanan. Erica Morrison goes on a creative design adventure through Scotland. Show more
An dùil cò ris a bha e coltach nam b’ e d’ athair a bha a’ riaghladh na sgoile? What was life really like with your father as headteacher? Show more
'S e là a' bhòt a th' ann aig an Urras ach chan eil cùisean a' dol mar a bhithear an dùil. It's the day of the big vote at the Trust, but things don't go as planned. Show more
Exploring innovation in Irish and Scottish traditional music, featuring some of the best new, cutting-edge acts. Show more
Roghainn bho oidhche mhòr duaisean Na Trads 2022. A nochd ceòl bho na Elephant Sessions. Musical Highlights from the Trad Awards 2022 from Elephant Sessions. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.