Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Kingussie take on Oban Camanachd in the Macaulay Cup final live from Mossfield Stadium, Oban. Full match coverage with commentary from Hugh Dan MacLennan. Show more
Tha AH-AH a’ feuchainn ri leigheas a lorg nuair a tha e le pian na ghob. AH-AH tries to find a remedy when he has a pain in his bill. Show more
Tha an treubh a’ cluich geamannan an-diugh – falach-fead nam measg! The farmyard bunch play games today - hide-and-seek amongst them! Show more
Tha Pip is Posy nan coidseachan sleidsidh ach chan eil iad ag èisteachd ri chèile. Pip and Posy are sledging coaches, but they aren’t listening to one another. Show more
Ernest becomes a museum guard so that Célestine can paint there. But a painting is stolen and he becomes the focus of suspicion! Show more
Aithne air Ainmhidhean/All About Animals
Series 1
Episode 12: Charlie an Chimpanzee/Charlie the Chimpanzee
24 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
This episode features five-month-old Charlie, a chimpanzee who lives with his family in Tanzania's Gombe National Park. Show more
The CBBC ALBA team learn about life in the 17th century on a visit to Mary King’s Close in Edinburgh. Show more
A special two-part episode which delves into the past and backstory of Curlybeard 110 years ago, when he was just a child in Paper Port. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Documentary examining the work of the Highlands and Islands Development Board during the 1960s, originally aired in 1970. Show more
The Fraochy Bay lifeboat crew are having a training day, which involves an icy adventure. Passing poet Torquil Farquhar is roped in to help. Show more
Ramsay explores the north of Mull before hopping on the ferry to Ardnamurchan. Tha Ramsay ann an ceann a tuath Mhuile mus gabh e null air an aiseag gu Àird nam Murchan. Show more
Including a report that looked at the state of the Harris tweed industry at the time of new training courses and new looms being introduced. Show more
Margaret MacLeod and Robbie MacLeod discuss books of special interest to them. Show more
Tha Sweeny a’ gabhail sgrìob a dh’ Inbhir Pheofharain gus caoraich a reic. Sweeny goes to sell some sheep at the Dingwall Mart. Show more
Trad and roots music show featuring a cross section of music from all over Scotland, including performances from Shooglenifty and Ross Ainslie. Show more
Series about the two extreme ends of the Earth. Ann an sreath Iongantas nam Pòlaichean, thathar a’ toirt sùil air gach ceann dhen chruinne-cè. Show more
A series following Calum MacLean as he explains his passion for swimming in remote and unspoilt lochs and rivers. In this episode, Calum takes us to the most westerly beach on the island of Vatersay. Show more
Catrìona NicNèill aig Farpaisean Chòmhlan Pìoba na Cruinne 2022 le còmhlain aig ìre a h-aon. Carrie MacNeil presents Grade 1 performances from the World Pipe Band Championships 2022. Show more
Ceòl traidiseanta le Trail West bho chuirm ann am Barrowland. Traditional music from Trail West in concert at a sold-out Barrowland. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.