Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Brush is having her forest house painted in a more fashionable colour, unlike the dull brown of Fox and Hare's den. Show more
Tha Mama Polenta ‘s Sam Spratt gus farpais ach cò ni an sabhs pasta as fhèarr. Mama Polenta and Sam Spratt go head-to-head to see who makes the best pasta sauce. Show more
Ernest becomes a museum guard so that Célestine can paint there. But a painting is stolen and he becomes the focus of suspicion! Show more
Rita and Crocodile spend the day on the beach finding lots of shells and beautiful pebbles. Show more
Huggleboo is going fishing in the pond with Grandpa, who tells her repeatedly to be careful. Huggleboo is, but is Grandpa? Show more
Ailig Dòmhnallach a’ leughadh Am Mathan, am Piàna, an Cù agus an Fhidheall. Alec MacDonald reads Am Mathan, am Piàna, an Cù agus an Fhidheall. Show more
Tha Seòras a’ càradh an inneil-nigheadaireachd airson is gun tèid e timcheall nas luaithe. George adapts the spin cycle of the washing machine. Show more
An-diugh, gheibhear dealbh air beatha Maureen NicLeòid @12 bliadhna dh'aois. Today we get an insight into Maureen Macleod’s life @12 years old. Show more
Simon finds a seemingly normal goldfish that has special, and troublesome, powers. Show more
The CBBC ALBA presenters love a good challenge - but who will emerge victorious as Mateo joins them? Show more
Plòigh agus saidheans còmhla ris an Ollamh Olive & Dr Moiteil agus na Lasgainean. Dr Moiteil and Professor Olive have fun with science in the company of the Lasgainean. Show more
Clann a' Chogaidh Mhoir/Small Hands in a Big War
Episode 1: An Ionnsaigh/The Attack
25 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
Drama series telling the story of WWI as seen through the eyes of the children alive at the time. Show more
Peter MacKay talks about the poem “Tha thu air Aigeann M’Inntinn” by Iain Crichton Smith. Pàdruig MacAoidh le facal mun dàn “Tha thu air Aigeann m’Inntinn” le Iain Mac a’Ghobhainn. Show more
Learner Maria Robertson from Aberdeen chats to Joy in the studio, and Calum Maclean dons his dancing shoes as he tries out Bhangra dancing in Edinburgh. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Heather Dewar draws a colour portrait of former teacher Rachel MacPherson. Show more
Tidal power testing in Orkney, and the Arctic tide reveals a story with global reverberations. Show more
Ramsay explores the north of Mull before hopping on the ferry to Ardnamurchan. Tha Ramsay ann an ceann a tuath Mhuile mus gabh e null air an aiseag gu Àird nam Murchan. Show more
Series about the two extreme ends of the Earth. Ann an sreath Iongantas nam Pòlaichean, thathar a’ toirt sùil air gach ceann dhen chruinne-cè. Show more
A series following Calum MacLean as he explains his passion for swimming in remote and unspoilt lochs and rivers. In this episode, Calum takes us to the most westerly beach on the island of Vatersay. Show more
Sketch show featuring the latest updates from the ferry office, a recipe with a difference, and red hot passion finds physical expression via a clown love triangle. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.