* from page 29 of 'New Every Morning'
by Dorothy Hildreth
from the South Pier, Blackpool (Solo trumpets, w. MADDOCK and C. BOOTES)
on gramophone records
songs in harmony
Essex v. Derbyshire and Hampshire v. Leicestershire
Commentaries during the third day's play, by Michael Standing from
Southchurch Park, Southend, and Howard Marshall from the County
Ground, Southampton
from the Granada, Walthamstow
Popular music for all tastes on gramophone records
Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conductor, Walton O'Donnell
at the Organ of the Granada Cinema,
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Essex v. Derbyshire and Hampshire v. Leicestershire
Commentaries during the third day's play, by Michael Standing from Southchurch Park, Southend, and Howard Marshall from the County
Ground, Southampton
including Weather Forecast and the Weekly Bulletin of Special Notices connected with Government and other Public Services
3-' Orders, Decorations, and Medal Ribands'
Reginald Harbord
Quintet in A for pianoforte and string quartet, Op. 81
1 Allegro ma non tanto. 2 Dumka : Andante con moto. 3 Furiant : Molto vivace. 4 Finale: Allegro played by The Griller String Quartet :
Sidney Griller (violin)
Jack O'Brien (violin)
Philip Burton (viola)
Colin Hampton (violoncello) and Harry Isaacs (pianoforte)
Dvorak's Piano Quintet was written in 1887. It is one of the finest of his chamber works: 'an absolute revelation ', says Ottokar Sourek , ' of the personality- of Dvorak, a man apparently locked within himself, moving only in the sphere of divine beauty, now plunged in gloomy meditation, his vision lost in eternity, now smiling brightly, bubbling over with happiness and breaking forth in outbursts of the frankest joy. Such a spirit was Dvorak, and thus he appears in this quintet-one of the freshest and most characteristic creations of his genius.' The composer makes brilliant use of the ' Furiant' in the scherzo movement.
A recorded sound picture of a tour of the hop-gardens of Kent
Produced by Laurence Gilliam
The present season of the year sees one of the most characteristically English occasions in the whole calendar. By bus, bicycle, car, or cart, 'Arry, 'Arriet, and their families take themselves off from London's East End for the hopping season in the Kentish hopfields. Here for the next few weeks they will be living under canvas, or in hutments, working by day, and singing and making merry by night.
A couple of years ago a BBC recording van travelled with the hoppers to Kent, took records of scenes on the road, of work in the hopfields themselves, and of the spare-time life of these cheerful Cockneys. The whole was woven into a programme that tonight it being repeated in its entirety.
at Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Le'ssees, Messrs. Chappell and Co. Ltd.)
Richard Tauber (tenor)
Louis Kentner (pianoforte)
The BBC Symphony Orchestra
(ninety players)
Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by SIR HENRY J. WOOD
Born in 1905, Louis Kentner received his musical education at Budapest, studying under various distinguished musicians, including Kodaly. Among the many important prizes he has carried off are the Chopin Prize in Warsaw and the Liszt Prize in Budapest, both for piano.
Louis Kentner is already known throughout Europe as one of the leading Hungarian pianists of today. He first appeared in England in 1935, and in May, 1937, he made his microphone debut.
A special article on Richard Tauber appears on page 11.
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
' From Learning to Earning'
A review of some of the problems surrounding entry into industry, by J. Paley Yorke , O.B.E., M.Sc., Principal of the School of Engineering and Navigation in Poplar and one of the signatories of the Spens Report
Tickets can be obtained from the BBC,Queen'sHall,andtheusual agents
at the BBC Theatre Organ
with Julie Dawn
Sam Costa
Cherry Simmonds from Quaglino's Restaurant
Adolf Busch (violin) and Rudolf Serkin (pianoforte): Sonata in C minor (Op. 30 No. 2) (Beethoven) -1 Allegro con brio. 2 Adagio cantabile. 3 Scherzo. 4 Finale: Allegro